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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. LXXXI.

The Argument.

A song of ioy to God: of maiestie aboue,
Who geueth all thing aboundantly: to thē that him do loue.



Now sing ye ioyfully: To God our strength & rocke:
Yea sing ye swete: in iubilies: to God of Iacobs stock


Streyne vp your psaltery: and wrest your tymbrels hye,
Wyth mery harpe: and virginals: set out your melodye.


Blow out wyth trumpet lowde: in new mooues feast I say:
In tyme so meete: accordingly: our solempne feastfull day.


By statute thus enact: it is for Israell:
From Iacobs God: it is a law: hys worthy actes to tell.


God made in Iosephes seede: (for wytnes) thys decree:
Of Egipt land: whē out he went: where language straunge hard he.


I did his shulder ease: from burthens great and thicke:
His hands escapte: the dayly toyle: of making potts and bricke,



Thou cryedst on me in stresse: I thee deliuered ryfe:
In thunder close: I answerd thee: first tried at sluds of strife



O then my people heare: I wyll the iust assure:
O Israell: if heare thou wylt: my worde which shall endure.


Strange God thou shalt not haue: no other God to serue:
If thys thou doost: and frowardly: fro me thou doost not swerue.


I am the Lord thy God: who thee from Egypt led:
Then set thy mouth: full open wyde: I wyll it fyll full fed.


But yet my people thus: would neuer heare my voyce,
No Israell: would none of me: nor lyst in me reioyce.


I let them go therfore: theyr own hartes lustes to sue:
Theyr crooked wayes: to walke at will: whych they did after rue.


O that my people meke: had heard my document:
And Israell: had walkt my wayes: wyth gentle hartes assent.


How soone would I at ones: their foes haue wrested downe:
And turnd my hand: agaynst them all: at them who firse did frown


Gods haters should haue kneeld: at heeles of them to lay:
Though lyingly: they had it ment: theyr dayes had lastd for aye.


Yea then he would haue fed: wyth floure of finest wheate:
And out of rocke: them had I fild: wyth hony pleasant meat.