University of Virginia Library



Last symbol, very sacrament, last type
Before all types dissolve upon the verge
Of one unveiled reality, I bring
The speaking witness of the inward eyes
That, once encompass'd by your Godward orm,
Beheld its meanings and—from eyes to heart
More deeply held within—have known its life,
Which compasses and penetrates and fills.
A House of Many Mansions, built of God,
Wherefrom the protoplasts and types go forth;
High Palace of the Presence; fountain-point
Which sanctions delegates and calls them back,
Commissions priests and yet again withdraws
Beyond all Rites; foundation-seat of grace
Outflowing, salving the elect; and souls,
Transmuted by that grace, in fine return
Where the hush'd stillness keeps them: I, who stand
And watch and pray within the Holy Place,


Have caught beyond all voices and beyond
All image-making of your sanctuary
A wordless call to follow where it leads—
Thither whence none return. On that dread brink
I look to lay my human nature down,
Bear all I am into the All of All,
And in a last attainment of the self
Set self aside for ever. Having learn'd
The grievous lessons of the Thou and I,
Take me within, that I may know in Thee,
Lord, but in Me no more. So, standing thus
On Thine unimaged threshold—while the bonds
Begin to slip, the longing to be done
Quivers within, the deep of Thine abyss
Draws—I turn once to witness of Thy House,
For others call'd thereto. Hear in the heart,
Ye who have ears within. May open doors
Receive you, may the Temple of the Light
Lift broider'd veils and let the secret place—
Wherein the Master of the House abides—
Give up the Presence and the Mystery
Of Thee and Him, face unto face and eye
To eye. So only, never else, unfolds
The undeclared, the infinite state beyond
Both Him and Thee, God and man's end therein.