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Art and Fashion

With other sketches, songs and poems. By Charles Swain

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Oh, none shall have a better home,
Or brighter lot than thine!
None richer dress wherein to roam,
Or jewels more divine!
Attendants gay shall lead the way,
Where'er thy steps appear;
And life shall be a dream of May—
And May last all the year!
A lofty home would suit me not;
My heart would lonely be;
And pine to gain its humble cot—
Its humble friends to see!
And oh, there's one—though far he's gone
Across the severing wave;
For whose dear sake, I'd die ere break
The parting vow I gave!


Should I, for gold, my faith withhold,
And blight a heart so true,
What proof have ye I should not be
As false, ere long, to you?
A gem more fair than queens can wear
Is truth in woman's eye;
That gem so dear, so sweet, sincere,
I'll keep until I die!