University of Virginia Library




Tune,—By the Author.

Now clwos'd for ay thy cwoal-black een,
That lang, lang gaz'd on me!—Oh! Wully!
An leyfeless lies that manly form,
I ay was fain to see; my Wully!
Ah! luckless hour, thou struive for heame,
Last neet, 'cross Eden weyde!—Dear Wully!
This mworn a stiffen'd corpse brong in;—
It's warse than deeth to beyde!—Oh! Wully!
The owlet hootet sair yestreen,
An threyce the suit it fell!—Oh! Wully!
The teyke com leate, an bark'd aloud;
It seem'd the deein kneel o' Wully:
Deep wer the snows, keen, keen my woes;
The bairns oft cried for thee, their Wully:
I trimlin said, “He'll suin be here”—
They ne'er yence clwos'd an ee—Oh! Wully!


An when I saw the thick sleet faw,
A bleezin fire I meade for Wully;
An watch'd, an watch'd, as it grew dark,
An I grew mair afraid for Wully:
I thowt I hard the powney's feet,
An ran, the voice to hear o' Wully;
The win blew hollow, but nae sound
My sinkin heart did cheer—Oh! Wully!
The clock struck yen, the clock struck twee,
The clock struck three, at four, nae Wully;
I hard, wi' joy, the powney's feet,
An thowt my cares were owre for Wully:
The powney neigh'd, but thou was lost;
I sank upon the ground, for Wully;
Suin, where I lay, appear'd thy ghost,
An whisper'd, thou wert drown'd—Oh! Wully!
The muin was up, in vain I sowt
The stiffen'd corpse o' theyne, lost Wully!
'Twill suin, suin mingle wi' the dust,
An nar it, sae wull meyne—Oh! Wully!
Gang, dry your tears, my bairns five!
Gang, dry your tears o' sorrow, dearies!
Your fadder's cares are at an en,
An sae may ours, to-morrow, dearies!