University of Virginia Library

“Blessëd art thou, fair virgin! and, of God,
Above all women favored. Whatsoe'er
The end unknown designed,—through thee will come
Good unto thousands: to our people all,
Perchance, unspeakable blessing: for a voice,
Though wordless, telleth, that the present hand
Of the Most High is on thee; some great thing
Through thee to accomplish. Surely knowëst thou,—
Or from the tongue of angel, or from voice
Within thee speaking,—that select thou art
From all of woman-kind,—some special task
Divine to accomplish: or the instrument,
Though passive, it may be, by which will God
Some gracious wonder work. If, blamelessly,
I so may question, tell me, maiden blest,—
Of such high favor from our Israel's God
On thee vouchsafed, what know'st thou? and how taught?”