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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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First Sunday after Easter.
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First Sunday after Easter.

“Glad, when they saw the Lord.” —Gospel for the Day.

A mother may her babe forget,
An exile ne'er his home recall,
Nor orphan'd child the hour regret
That reft him of parental all:
But oh, whate'er the scene, or clime,
Devotion may Immanuel see,—
Whose heart expanded over time,
And bled for our eternity!
Yes, sympathies intense and deep,
Surpassing all our souls contain,
Still through His breast, in glory, sweep,
And shall for ever glow and reign.
A sinless Lord, yet, touch'd in heart
With all which blighted moments bear,—
In heaven, O Priest Divine! Thou art,
A Man-God, with our feelings, there!


By gentleness, by grief and grace,
By depth of sigh and tears profound,
Faith views Thee, to our fallen race
In links of loving union bound.
Both heaven and earth in Thee combine,
In Whom that mystic Wound appears,
Which gash'd in death Thy Form divine
And crimson'd it with gory tears.
Then, lay thy burden on the Lord,
Child of dejection! pale and lone;
Thou canst not sigh, by Him unheard,
Whose heart throbs human on His throne.

3 Heb. iv. 15.

Rev. i. 7; v. 6.