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By Thomas Woolner

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Forecasting victory lolled the vintage God,
The languid-eyed and smooth-limbed son of Zeus,
Great Dionysus on his tiger huge;
Whose silent glide of pliant-pacing feet
Seemed rather drift of undulating flame
Than crafty brute compact of bone and thews.
By fierceness fiercer than the tiger's own,
Artaxeres, an orient Prince, had tamed
Its savage temper to obedience.
Grateful for fellowship and wisdom learned
Of Dionysus, for the priceless vine
Imparted to his people, he had given
As boon his fondled treasure, now subdued;
Soothed to such gentle gait the God could sit


The dreaded back holding his cup so brimmed
A bubble setting threatened overflow,
And bring to lip without a wasted drop!