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The works, in verse and prose, of William Shenstone, Esq

In two volumes. With Decorations. The fourth edition

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THE Judgment of HERCULES.

While blooming spring descends from genial skies,
By whose mild influence instant wonders rise;
From whose soft breath Elysian beauties flow;
The sweets of Hagley, or the pride of Stowe;
Will Lyttelton the rural landskip range,
Leave noisy fame, and not regret the change?
Pleas'd will he tread the garden's early scenes,
And learn a moral from the rising greens?
There, warm'd alike by Sol's enliv'ning pow'r,
The weed, aspiring, emulates the flow'r:
The drooping flow'r, its fairer charms display'd,
Invites, from grateful hands, their gen'rous aid:


Soon, if none check th'invasive foe's designs,
The lively lustre of these scenes declines!
'Tis thus, the spring of youth, the morn of life,
Rears in our minds the rival seeds of strife.
Then passion riots, reason then contends;
And, on the conquest, ev'ry bliss depends:
Life, from the nice decision, takes its hue:
And blest those judges who decide like you!
On worth like theirs shall ev'ry bliss attend:
The world their fav'rite, and the world their friend.
There are, who blind to thought's fatiguing ray,
As fortune gives examples urge their way:
Not virtue's foes, tho' they her paths decline,
And scarce her friends, tho' with her friends they join,
In her's, or vice's casual road advance
Thoughtless, the sinners or the saints of chance!
Yet some more nobly scorn the vulgar voice;
With judgment fix, with zeal pursue their choice,
When ripen'd thought, when reason born to reign,
Checks the wild tumults of the youthful vein;
While passion's lawless tides, at their command,
Glide thro' more useful tracts, and bless the land.
Happiest of these is he whose matchless mind,
By learning strengthen'd, and by taste refin'd,
In virtue's cause essay'd its earliest pow'rs;
Chose virtue's paths, and strew'd her paths with flow'rs.
The first alarm'd, if freedom waves her wings:
The fittest to adorn each art she brings:
Lov'd by that prince whom ev'ry virtue fires:
Prais'd by that bard whom ev'ry muse inspires:


Blest in the tuneful art, the social flame;
In all that wins, in all that merits fame!
'Twas youth's perplexing stage his doubts inspir'd,
When great Alcides to a grove retir'd.
Thro' the lone windings of a devious glade,
Resign'd to thought, with ling'ring steps he stray'd;
Blest with a mind to taste sincerer joys:
Arm'd with a heart each false one to despise.
Dubious he stray'd, with wav'ring thoughts possest,
Alternate passions struggling shar'd his breast;
The various arts which human cares divide,
In deep attention all his mind employ'd:
Anxious, if fame an equal bliss secur'd;
Or silent ease with softer charms allur'd.
The silvan choir whose numbers sweetly flow'd,
The fount that murmur'd, and the flow'rs that blow'd;
The silver flood that in meanders led
His glitt'ring streams along th'enliven'd mead;
The soothing breeze, and all those beauties join'd,
Which, whilst they please, effeminate the mind,
In vain! while distant, on a summit rais'd,
Th'imperial tow'rs of fame attractive blaz'd.
While thus he trac'd thro' fancy's puzzling maze
The sep'rate sweets of pleasure, and of praise;
Sudden the wind a fragrant gale convey'd,
And a new lustre gain'd upon the shade.
At once, before his wond'ring eyes were seen
Two female forms, of more than mortal mien.
Various their charms; and in their dress and face,
Each seem'd to vie with some peculiar grace.


This, whose attire less clogg'd with art appear'd,
The simple sweets of innocence endear'd.
Her sprightly bloom, her quick sagacious eye,
Shew'd native merit mix'd with modesty.
Her air diffus'd a mild yet aweful ray,
Severely sweet, and innocently gay.
Such the chaste image of the martial maid,
In artless folds of virgin white array'd!
She let no borrow'd rose her cheeks adorn,
Her blushing cheeks, that sham'd the purple morn.
Her charms nor had, nor wanted artful foils,
Or study'd gestures, or well practis'd smiles.
She scorn'd the toys which render beauty less;
She prov'd th'engaging chastity of dress;
And while she chose in native charms to shine,
Ev'n thus she seem'd, nay more than seem'd, divine.
One modest em'rald clasp'd the robe she wore,
And, in her hand, th'imperial sword she bore.
Sublime her height, majestic was her pace,
And match'd the awful honours of her face.
The shrubs, the flow'rs, that deck'd the verdant ground,
Seem'd where she trod, with rising lustre crown'd.
Still her approach with stronger influence warm'd;
She pleas'd, while distant, but, when near, she charm'd.
So strikes the gazer's eye, the silver gleam
That glitt'ring quivers o'er a distant stream:
But from its banks we see new beauties rise,
And, in its crystal bosom, trace the skies.
With other charms the rival vision glow'd;
And from her dress her tinsel beauties flow'd.


A flutt'ring robe her pamper'd shape conceal'd,
And seem'd to shade the charms it best reveal'd.
Its form, contriv'd her faulty size to grace;
Its hue, to give fresh lustre to her face.
Her plaited hair disguis'd with brilliants glar'd;
Her cheeks the ruby's neighb'ring lustre shar'd;
The gawdy topaz lent its gay supplies,
And ev'ry gem that strikes less curious eyes;
Expos'd her breast with foreign sweets perfum'd;
And, round her brow, a roseate garland bloom'd.
Soft smiling, blushing lips conceal'd her wiles;
Yet ah; the blushes artful as the smiles.
Oft-gazing on her shade, th'enraptur'd fair
Decreed the substance well deserv'd her care:
Her thoughts, to other's charms malignly blind,
Center'd in that, and were to that confin'd;
And if on other's eyes a glance were thrown,
'Twas but to watch the influence of her own.
Much like her guardian, fair Cythera's queen,
When for her warrior she refines her mein;
Or when, to bless her Delian fav'rite's arms,
The radiant fair invigorates her charms.
Much like her pupil, Egypt's sportive dame,
Her dress expressive, and her air the same,
When her gay bark o'er silver Cydnos roll'd,
And all th'emblazon'd streamers wav'd in gold.
Such shone the vision; nor forbore to move
The fond contagious airs of lawless love.
Each wanton eye deluding glances fir'd,
And am'rous dimples on each cheek conspir'd.


Lifeless her gait, and slow, with seeming pain,
She dragg'd her loitering limbs along the plain;
Yet made some faint efforts, and first approach'd the swain.
So glaring draughts, with taudry lustre bright,
Spring to the view, and rush upon the sight:
More slowly charms a Raphael's chaster air,
Waits the calm search, and pays the searcher's care.
Wrap'd in a pleas'd suspence, the youth survey'd
The various charms of each attractive maid:
Alternate each he view'd, and each admir'd,
And found, alternate, varying flames inspir'd.
Quick o'er their forms his eyes with pleasure ran,
When she, who first approach'd him, first began.
“Hither, dear boy, direct thy wand'ring eyes;
'Tis here the lovely vale of pleasure lies.
Debate no more, to me thy life resign;
Each sweet which nature can diffuse is mine,
For me the nymph diversifies her pow'r,
Springs in a tree, or blossoms in a flow'r;
To please my ear, she tunes the linnet's strains;
To please my eye, with lilies paints the plains;
To form my couch, in mossy beds she grows;
To gratify my smell perfumes the rose;
Reveals the fair, the fertile scene you see,
And swells the vegetable world, for me.
Let the gull'd fool the toils of war pursue,
Where bleed the many to enrich the few:
Where chance from courage claims the boasted prize.
Where, tho' she give, your country oft denies.
Industrious thou shalt Cupid's wars maintain,
And ever gently fight his soft campaign.


His darts alone shalt wield, his wounds endure,
Yet only suffer, to enjoy the cure.
Yield but to me—a choir of nymphs shall rise,
And fire thy breast, and bless thy ravish'd eyes.
Their beauteous cheeks a fairer rose shall wear,
A brighter lily on their necks appear;
Where fondly thou thy favour'd head shall rest,
Soft as the down that swells the cygnet's nest!
While Philomel in each soft voice complains,
And gently lulls thee with mellisluous strains:
Whilst, with each accent, sweetest odours flow;
And spicy gums round ev'ry bosom glow.
Not the fam'd bird Arabian climes admire,
Shall in such luxury of sweets expire.
At sloth let war's victorious sons exclaim;
In vain! for pleasure is my real name;
Nor envy thou the head with bays o'er-grown;
No, seek thou roses to adorn thy own:
For well each op'ning scene, that claims my care,
Suits and deserves the beauteous crown I wear.
Let others prune the vine; the genial bowl
Shall crown thy table, and enlarge thy soul.
Let vulgar hands explore the brilliant mine,
So the gay produce glitter still on thine.
Indulgent Bacchus loads his lab'ring tree,
And, guarding, gives its clust'ring sweets to me.
For my lov'd train, Apollo's piercing beam
Darts thro' the passive glebe, and frames the gem.
See in my cause consenting gods employ'd,
Nor slight those gods, their blessings unenjoy'd!


For thee the poplar shall its amber drain;
For thee, in clouded beauty, spring the cane;
Some costly tribute ev'ry clime shall pay;
Some charming treasure ev'ry wind convey;
Each object round some pleasing scene shall yield;
Art build thy dome, while nature decks thy field;
Of Corinth's order shall the structure rise;
The spiring turrets glitter thro' the skies;
Thy costly robe shall glow with Tyrian rays;
Thy vase shall sparkle, and thy car shall blaze;
Yet thou, whatever pomp the sun display,
Shalt own the am'rous night exceeds the day.
When melting flutes, and sweetly-sounding lyres
Wake the gay loves, and cite the young desires;
Or, in th'Ionian dance, some fav'rite maid
Improves the flame her sparkling eyes convey'd;
Think, can'st thou quit a glowing Delia's arms,
To feed on virtue's visionary charms;
Or slight the joys which wit and youth engage,
For the faint honour of a frozen sage?
To find dull envy ev'n that hope deface,
And, where you toil'd for glory, reap disgrace?
O! think that beauty waits on thy decree,
And thy lov'd loveliest charmer pleads with me.
She, whose soft smile, or gentler glance to move,
You vow'd the wild extremities of love;
In whose endearments years, like moments, flew;
For whose endearments millions seem'd too few;
She, she implores; she bids thee seize the prime,
And tread with her the flow'ry tracts of time;


Nor thus her lovely bloom of life bestow
On some cold lover, or insulting foe.
Think, if against that tongue thou canst rebel,
Where love yet dwelt, and reason seem'd to dwell;
What strong persuasion arms her softer sighs!
What full conviction sparkles in her eyes!
See nature smiles, and birds salute the shade,
Where breathing jasmin screens the sleeping maid:
And such her charms, as to the vain may prove,
Ambition seeks more humble joys than love!
There busy toil shall ne'er invade thy reign,
Nor sciences perplex thy lab'ring brain:
Or none, but what with equal sweets invite;
Nor other arts, but to prolong delight:
Sometimes thy fancy prune her tender wing,
To praise a pendant, or to grace a ring;
To fix the dress that suits each varying mien;
To shew where best the clustering gems are seen;
To sigh soft strains along the vocal grove,
And tell the charms, the sweet effects of love!
Nor fear to find a coy disdainful muse;
Nor think the sisters will their aid refuse.
Cool grots, and tinkling rills, or silent shades,
Soft scenes of leisure! suit th'harmonious maids;
And all the wise, and all the grave decree
Some of that sacred train ally'd to me.
But if more specious ease thy wishes claim,
And thy breast glow with faint desire of fame,
Some softer science shall thy thoughts amuse,
And learning's name a solemn sound diffuse:


To thee all nature's curious stores I'll bring,
Explain the beauties of an insect's wing;
The plant, which nature, less diffusely kind,
Has to few climes with partial care confin'd;
The shell she scatters with more careless air,
And, in her frolics, seems supremely fair;
The worth that dazzles in the tulip's stains,
Or lurks beneath a pebble's various veins.
Sleep's downy god, averse to war's alarms,
Shall o'er thy head diffuse his softest charms;
Ere anxious thought thy dear repose assail,
Or care, my most destructive foe, prevail.
The wat'ry nymphs shall tune the vocal vales,
And gentle zephyrs harmonize their gales,
For thy repose, inform, with rival joy,
Their streams to murmur, and their winds to sigh.
Thus shalt thou spend the sweetly-flowing day,
'Till lost in bliss thou breathe thy soul away:
'Till she t'Elysian bow'rs of joy repair,
Nor find my charming scenes exceeded there.”
She ceas'd; and on a lily'd bank reclin'd,
Her flowing robe wav'd wanton with the wind:
One tender hand her drooping head sustains;
One points, expressive, to the flow'ry plains.
Soon the fond youth perceiv'd her influence roll,
Deep in his breast, to melt his manly soul:
As when Favonius joins the solar blaze,
And each fair fabric of the frost decays.
Soon, to his breast, the soft harangue convey'd
Resolves too partial to the specious maid.


He sigh'd, he gaz'd, so sweetly smil'd the dame;
Yet sighing, gazing, seem'd to scorn his flame,
And, oft as virtue caught his wand'ring eye,
A crimson blush condemn'd the rising sigh.
'Twas such the ling'ring Trojan's shame betray'd,
When Maia's son the frown of Jove display'd:
When wealth, fame, empire, cou'd no ballance prove,
For the soft reign of Dido, and of love.
Thus ill with arduous glory love conspires;
Soft tender flames with bold impetuous fires!
Some hov'ring doubts his anxious bosom mov'd,
And virtue, zealous fair! those doubts improv'd.
“Fly, fly, fond youth, the too indulgent maid,
Nor err, by such fantastic scenes betray'd.
Tho' in my path the rugged thorn be seen,
And the dry turf disclose a fainter green;
Tho' no gay rose, or flow'ry product shine,
The barren surface still conceals the mine.
Each thorn that threatens, ev'n the weed that grows
In virtue's path, superior sweets bestows—
Yet shou'd those boasted, specious toys allure,
Whence cou'd fond sloth the flatt'ring gifts procure?
The various wealth that tempts thy fond desire,
'Tis I alone, her greatest foe, acquire.
I from old ocean rob the treasur'd store;
I thro' each region, latent gems explore;
'Twas I the rugged brilliant first reveal'd,
By num'rous strata deep in earth conceal'd,
'Tis I the surface yet refine, and show
The modest gem's intrinsic charms to glow.


Nor swells the grape, nor spires its feeble tree
Without the firm supports of industry.
But grant we sloth the scene herself has drawn,
The mossy grotto, and the flow'ry lawn;
Let Philomela tune th'harmonious gale,
And with each breeze eternal sweets exhale;
Let gay Pomona slight the plains around,
And chuse, for fairest fruits, the favour'd ground;
To bless the fertile vale shou'd virtue cease,
Nor mossy grots, nor flow'ry lawns cou'd please;
Nor gay Pomona's luscious gifts avail,
The sound harmonious, or the spicy gale.
Seest thou yon rocks in dreadful pomp arise,
Whose rugged cliffs deform th'encircling skies?
Those fields, whence Phoebus all their moisture drains,
And, too profusely fond, disrobes the plains?
When I vouchsafe to tread the barren soil,
Those rocks seem lovely, and those deserts smile.
The form thou view'st, to ev'ry scene with ease
Transfers its charms, and ev'ry scene can please.
When I have on those pathless wilds appear'd;
And the lone wand'rer with my presence chear'd;
Those cliffs the exile has with pleasure view'd,
And call'd that desert blissful solitude!
Nor I alone to such extend my care:
Fair-blooming health surveys her altars there.
Brown exercise will lead thee where she reigns,
And with reflected lustre gild the plains.
With her, in flow'r of youth, and beauty's pride,
Her offspring, calm content and peace, reside.


One ready off'ring suits each neighb'ring shrine;
And all obey their laws, who practise mine.
But health averse from sloth's smooth region flies;
And, in her absence, pleasure droops and dies.
Her bright companions, mirth, delight, repose,
Smile where she smiles, and sicken when she goes.
A galaxy of pow'rs! whose forms appear
For ever beauteous, and for ever near.
Nor will soft sleep to sloth's request incline,
He from her couches flies unbid to mine.
Vain is the sparkling bowl, the warbling strain,
Th'incentive song, the labour'd viand vain!
Where she relentless reigns without controul,
And checks each gay excursion of the soul:
Unmov'd, tho' beauty, deck'd in all its charms,
Grace the rich couch, and spread the softest arms:
'Till joyless indolence suggests desires;
Or drugs are sought to furnish languid fires:
Such languid fires as on the vitals prey,
Barren of bliss, but fertile of decay.
As artful heats, apply'd to thirsty lands,
Produce no flow'rs, and but debase the sands.
But let fair health her chearing smiles impart,
How sweet is nature, how superfluous art!
'Tis she the fountain's ready draught commends,
And smooths the flinty couch which fortune lends.
And when my hero from his toils retires,
Fills his gay bosom with unusual fires,
And, while no checks th'unbounded joy reprove,
Aids and refines the genuine sweets of love.


His fairest prospect rising trophies frame:
His sweetest music is the voice of fame;
Pleasures to sloth unknown! she never found
How fair the prospect, or how sweet the sound.
See fame's gay structure from yon summit charms,
And fires the manly breast to arts or arms:
Nor dread the steep ascent, by which you rise
From grov'ling vales to tow'rs which reach the skies.
Love, fame, esteem, 'tis labour must acquire;
The smiling offspring of a rigid sire!
To fix the friend, your service must be shewn;
All, ere they lov'd your merit, lov'd their own.
That wond'ring Greece your portrait may admire,
That tuneful bards may string for you their lyre,
That books may praise, or coins record your name,
Such, such rewards 'tis toil alone can claim!
And the same column which displays to view
The conqu'ror's name, displays the conquest too.
'Twas slow experience, tedious mistress! taught
All that e'er nobly spoke, or bravely fought.
'Twas she the patriot, she the bard refin'd,
In arts that serve, protect, or please mankind.
Not the vain visions of inactive schools;
Not fancy's maxims, not opinion's rules,
E'er form'd the man whose gen'rous warmth extends
T'enrich his country, or to serve his friends.
On active worth the laurel war bestows:
Peace rears her olive for industrious brows:
Nor earth, uncultur'd, yields its kind supplies:
Nor heav'n, its show'rs without a sacrifice.


See far below such grov'ling scenes of shame,
As lull to rest Ignavia's slumb'ring dame.
Her friends, from all the toils of fame secure,
Alas! inglorious, greater toils endure.
Doom'd all to mourn, who in her cause engage
A youth enervate, and a painful age!
A sickly sapless mass, if reason flies;
And, if she linger, impotently wise!
A thoughtless train, who pamper'd, sleek, and gay,
Invite old age, and revel youth away;
From life's fresh vigour move the load of care,
And idly place it where thy least can bear.
When to the mind, diseas'd, for aid they fly,
What kind reflection shall the mind supply?
When, with lost health, what shou'd the loss allay,
Peace, peace is lost: a comfortless decay!
But to my friends, when youth, when pleasure flies,
And earth's dim beauties fade before their eyes,
Thro' death's dark vista flowery tracts are seen,
Elysian plains, and groves for ever green.
If o'er their lives a refluent glance they cast,
Their's is the present who can praise the past.
Life has its bliss for these, when past its bloom,
As wither'd roses yield a late prefume.
Serene, and safe from passion's stormy rage,
How calm they glide into the port of age!
Of the rude voyage less depriv'd than eas'd;
More tir'd than pain'd, and weaken'd than diseas'd.
For health on age, 'tis temp'rance must bestow;
And peace from piety alone can flow;


And all the incense bounteous Jove requires,
Has sweets for him who feeds the sacred fires.—
Sloth views the tow'rs of fame with envious eyes;
Desirous still, still impotent to rise.
Oft, when resolv'd to gain those blissful tow'rs,
The pensive queen the dire ascent explores,
Comes onward, wafted by the balmy trees,
Some silvan music, or some scented breeze:
She turns her head, her own gay realm she spies,
And all the short-liv'd resolution dies.
Thus some fond insect's fault'ring pinions wave,
Clasp'd in its fav'rite sweets, a lasting slave:
And thus in vain these charming visions please
The wretch of glory, and the slave of ease:
Doom'd ever in ignoble state to pine,
Boast her own scenes, and languish after mine.
But shun her snares: nor let the world exclaim,
Thy birth, which was thy glory, prov'd thy shame.
With early hope thine infant actions fir'd;
Let manhood crown what infancy inspir'd.
Let gen'rous toils reward with health thy days,
Prolong thy prime, and eternize thy praise.
The bold exploit that charms th'attesting age,
To latest times shall gen'rous hearts engage;
And with that myrtle shall thy shrine be crown'd,
With which, alive, thy graceful brows were bound:
'Till time shall bid thy virtues freely bloom,
And raise a temple where it found a tomb.
Then in their feasts thy name shall Grecians join;
Shall pour the sparkling juice to Jove's and thine.


Thine, us'd in war, shall raise their native fire;
Thine, us'd in peace, their mutual faith inspire.
Dulness perhaps, thro' want of sight, may blame,
And spleen, with odious industry, defame;
And that, the honours giv'n, with wonder view,
And this, in secret sadness, own them due:
Contempt and envy were by fate design'd
The rival tyrants which divide mankind;
Contempt, which none, but who deserve, can bear;
While envy's wounds the smiles of fame repair.
For know, the gen'rous thine exploits shall fire,
Thine ev'ry friend it suits thee to require,
Lov'd by the gods, and, till their seats I shew,
Lov'd by the good their images below.”
Cease, lovely maid, fair daughter of the skies!
My guide! my queen! th'extatic youth replies.
In thee I trace a form design'd for sway;
Which chiefs may court, and kings with pride obey.
And, by thy bright immortal friends I swear,
Thy fair idea shall no toils impair.
Lead me! O lead me where whole hosts of foes,
Thy form depreciate, and thy friends oppose!
Welcome all toils th'inequal fates decree,
While toils endear thy faithful charge to thee.
Such be my cares, to bind th'oppressive hand,
And crush the fetters of an injur'd land:
To see the monster's noxious life resign'd,
And tyrants quell'd, the monsters of mankind!
Nature shall smile to view the vanquish'd brood,
And none, but envy, riot unsubdu'd,


In cloister'd state let selfish sages dwell,
Proud that their heart is narrow as their cell!
And boast their mazy labryinth of rules,
Far less the friends of virtue, than the fools:
Yet such in vain thy fav'ring smiles pretend;
For he is thine, who proves his country's friend.
Thus when my life well-spent the good enjoy,
And the mean envious labour to destroy;
When, strongly lur'd by fame's contiguous shrine,
I yet devote my choicer vows to thine;
If all my toils thy promis'd favour claim,
O lead thy fav'rite thro' the gates of fame!
He ceas'd his vows, and, with disdainful air,
He turn'd to blast the late exulting fair.
But vanish'd, fled to some more friendly shore,
The conscious phantom's beauty pleas'd no more:
Convinc'd, her spurious charms of dress and face
Claim'd a quick conquest, or a sure disgrace,
Fantastic pow'r! whose transient charms allur'd,
While error's mist the reas'ning mind obscur'd:
Not such the victress, virtue's constant queen,
Endur'd the test of truth, and dar'd be seen.
Her bright'ning form and features seem'd to own,
'Twas all her wish, her int'rest to be known:
And when his longing view the fair declin'd,
Left a full image of her charms behind.
Thus reigns the moon, with furtive splendor crown'd,
While glooms oppress us, and thick shades surround.
But let the source of light its beams display,
Languid and faint the mimic flames decay,
And all the sick'ning splendor fades away.