A paraphrase upon the canticles and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament, with other occasional compositions in English verse. By Samuel Woodford |
A paraphrase upon the canticles | ||
The last words of DAVID.
Dixit David filius Isai, dixit vir, &c.
2 Sam. 23.
David, Jesse's Royal Son did sing,
Thus spake the Man, who the great Promise had,
That from his Loyns the CHRIST of God should spring.
On whose Eternal Shoulders should be laid
The Government, Psalmist of Israel,
Thus sang he, thus from Heav'n inspir'd he said:
The Spirit of God in Vision on me fell,
And by my Mouth Himself th' Almighty spake,
His Words they are, which I his Prophet tell,
His, who the Care of Israel does take,
And hitherto ne're falsifi'd His Trust,
Nor will, tho Heav'n and Earths Foundations shake.
“The Man, who rules o're others must be Just,
“Ruling himself, and them, ith' sacred Fear
“Of Heav'ns dread King, to whom account he must;
“For all the wrongs he does, or makes them bear;
“By an Impartial Judgment to be tri'd,
“Whose Doom definitive he forc'd shall hear.
Thrice happy Prince, who (e're that Oyes cry'd,)
The God within his Brest, his Conscience,
Appealing, and appeal'd has satisfi'd!
There, first absolv'd, with approv'd Innocence,
His Righteousness shall shine, as Morning Light,
When th' early Sun, his Glories to dispense,
New guilds the Sullys of the murky Night;
And without Cloud between his Beams to pass,
As higher he ascends, appears more bright.
Shooting its verdant Head above the Ground,
With gems of pearly Dew, midst Flowers, takes place.
This I'll not say, that in my Rule I've found,
A perfect and uninterrupted Bliss,
(For what's my House, or Rule thus to be own'd?)
Yet for my Kingdoms Justice I'll say this,
That with me God a lasting Cove'nant made,
In all things sure, as His great Promise is:
Order'd and sure, nor e're to be o'resway'd,
Tho I too oft have forfeited His Love,
And when I should have rul'd, my Lusts obey'd.
But even then did I, and do now reprove
The Follies I so passionately pursu'd,
And whose remembrance greater Passions move.
Blest God forgive me! be Thy Word renew'd!
For all before Thee is my whole desire,
All in Thy sight, as it by me is view'd;
Confirm Thy Promise, humbly I require,
Not for my sake, O Lord, but for Thine own;
And double Zeal into my Son inspire!
So shall he grow up as a Plant alone,
And in his Fame, tho dead, I too shall grow,
The happy Father of an happier Son:
Whilst those, who will not to his Scepter bow,
As Thorns shall all of them be thrust away,
Thorns, which th' unguarded Hand tho they pierce through,
To th' Hook and Fire shall be an easie Prey:
Justice, which in his time from th' Earth shall spring,
And Peace, from Heaven descending, meet half way.
A paraphrase upon the canticles | ||