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The poems and translations of Sir Edward Sherburne (1616-1702)

excluding Seneca and Manilius Introduced and Annotated by F. J. Van Beeck

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If a Man should give all the substance of his House for Love, he would value it as nothing
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If a Man should give all the substance of his House for Love, he would value it as nothing


Cant. 8.

Love I'd of Heaven have bought; when He, (this who
VVould think?) both Purchase was, and Seller too.
I offer'd Gold; but Gold he did not prize.
I offer'd Gems; but Gems he did despise.


I offer'd All; All he refus'd yet: why,
If All wo'nt take, take what is left, said I.
At this he smil'd, and said; in vain divine
Love's Price thou beat'st; give nothing and shee's thine.