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When the Almighty first his Palace fram'd,
That Glorious shining place he Heaven nam'd;
And when the first Rebellious Angels fell,
He Doom'd them to a certain place call'd Hell.
There's Heaven and Hell confirm'd in sacred story,
But yet I ne're could read of Purgatory:
That cleansing place, which of late years is found,
For sinning Souls to Flux in till they're sound.
In imitation of which 'tis said,
They have the Hummums and the Bagnio's made,
Two Purgatories of a quicker Trade.
There one days Sufferance cures the worst that comes,
And thence they are releas'd for easie Sums.
Oh! Rome, for Price and Time thou'rt too severe,
Keeping an honest Monarch in two year,
That never yet deserv'd to come there.
Priests found out this for good of human Race;
Th'Almighty never thought of such a place.
Oh! Rome, thou art a wise and learned Nation,
To add a place wanting in Gods Creation.