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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Sexagesme is bygynyng
opon þat selue Sononday
that we this offys con syng,
Exurge domine, in gode fay,
next after septuagesme suyng,
And in pasch weke endes ay
on Wednesday, by acountyng,
As I shal ful sone say.

Instituta est sexagesima propter recompensacionem, significacionem & representacionem, vt patet inferius.

Sexagesme wel ordeynt was
first in recompensacioun
of fastyng þat popes conen whace
by gode deliberacioun,
And also as boke mynd mas
In representacioun
of our forbying to þat plas
that we so lost aȝeyn resoun.
The thrid cause was in tokenyng,
As I shal ful sone telle,
of wydowhode, with-out lesyng,
that holi chirch in con dwelle.
Holi chirche wydohode
I may calle, as thinkes me,
time that apostles bode
the holi gost with hert fre


After Cristes ascencioun
quyl thay wer in hor praier,
that widohode we calle moun
of holi chirch, as ȝe shyn her.
But ȝet by sum opinioun
holi chirch widohode
Mich larger may be tane
then that time that þai so abode,
That is from þe ascencioun
euen into þe worldes ende,
qven Crist shal deme vs by resoun
And all þat gode ben with hym wende.
Then Crist & holy chirch also
shyn be feghet both in fer,
As I shal er þat I go
sone declar owe more cler.