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Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher

Containing Salomons Sermons or Commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman [i.e. Henry Lok]. Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate Sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors

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3. All during life to folly sold: a like all go to graue.
4. In life is hope, liue dogs, more price (then once dead) Lyons haue.


This is euill among all that is done vnder the sunne, that there is one cōdition to all, & also the heart of the sonnes of men is full of euill, and madnesse is in their hearts whilest they liue, and after that they go to the dead.

And sure of all the things that I do know,

It is the thing that seemes most strange to me,
That maketh wise men most amazed grow,
And best men most discouraged to bee,
When they their states, as hard as others see.
And that like others is their death in show,
As subiect vnto paine as wicked men,
Forgotten, be they once in graue below,
Their vertues (as not done) vnthought of then:
So that their cares, and fooles vnquiet dayes,
Both madnesse seeme, both die deuoide of prayse.


Surely who so euer is ioyned to al the liuing, there is hope: for it is better to a liuing dog, then to a dead Lyon.

Hence doth proceede (no doubt) the prouerbe old,

That liuing dogge, dead Lyon doth excell,
With princely beast of noble courage bold,
Then, euery barking curre dare sausly mell,
That liuing, durst not come within his smell.
The reason is right easie to be told,
Because he liuing could himselfe relieue:
Life doth in time new hopes and haps vnfold,
But death no hope or earthly hap doth giue;
Time worketh wonders (if our time we take)
Occasion (at our death) doth vs forsake.