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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 48. General duties and powers.

The Mayor of the City of Charlottesville shall be the executive
head of its municipal government; it shall be his duty to take care
that the by-laws and ordinances of the city are fully and faithfully
executed and observed, and that the duties of the various city
officers and servants are faithfully performed. To this end he
shall have power to investigate their acts, have access to all books,
papers and documents in their offices and to all city property, and
may examine all city officers or servants, or their subordinates, or
any other person, touching their official acts or the public business;
but the evidence so given by any person shall not be used in
any criminal proceedings against him.

The mayor shall further discharge all other executive duties and
functions properly belonging to his office, or which may be imposed
upon him by the ordinances of the city, or the laws of the
State. (Charter, Sec. 30.)

Sec. 49. Same—suspension or removal of subordinate

The Mayor shall also have power to suspend any officer or
servant of the city for proper cause and to remove such officer
or servant for his misconduct, or malfeasance, misfeasance, or
non-feasance in office. No order of suspension or removal
under this section shall be made until the officer or servant affected
shall have been given reasonable notice of the charge
against him and an opportunity to be heard in person or by
council and to present testimony in his defence. Such order
shall specify the cause of such suspension or removal, and an
appeal shall lie therefrom, or right, to the Corporation Court of
the city. This section shall not apply to laborers or subordinate
employees of the various departments. The Mayor, when he
has made such a suspension or removal, shall report the facts


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with the reasons for his action to the next regular meeting of
the council. (Charter, Sec. 30.)

Sec. 50. Same—supervisory duty.

The Mayor shall exercise a general supervision over all the
city's rights, franchises, properties and affairs, and shall inspect
and supervise the different departments and offices, and see that
all ordinances, orders and resolutions of the councils are duly
and faithfully performed.

Sec. 51. Same—to prohibit certain theatrical performances,

The Mayor or council may prohibit any theatrical or other
performance, show or exhibition within the city or a mile of its
corporate limits, which may be deemed injurious to the morals
or good order of the city or of the people of Albemarle County.
(Charter, Sec. 29.)

Sec. 52. Same—annual and other reports.

The Mayor shall annually furnish to the Council at its first
meeting in September a full report of his official actions for the
twelve months ending August 31 just preceding, with such
recommendations touching the city's welfare and its rights, properties,
government and business as he may deem pertinent and
for the best interests of the city. He shall also at any other
time when called upon so to do by the Council, or when he may
deem it advisable, investigate and report on any matter affecting
the interests of the city.

Sec. 53. Same—removal from office.

The Corporation Court of the city may remove the Mayor
from office for malfeasance, misfeasance, or gross neglect of
official duty; and such removal shall be deemed a vacation of
the office. All proceedings under this section shall be by order
or motion before said court, upon reasonable notice to the party
to be affected thereby, and with the right of said Mayor of an
appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals. (Charter, Sec. 30.)

Sec. 54. Same—general duties.

The said Mayor shall perform any other duties and have any


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other jurisdiction which may be assigned him by the Council,
not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State.

Sec. 55. Same—vacancies, temporary and permanent.

In the event of the death, resignation or removal of the
Mayor, or his inability to discharge his duties from some other
cause, his place shall be filled and his duties shall be discharged
by the president of the Council until another Mayor is elected
and qualified, or until such inability shall cease. A vacancy in
the office of the Mayor shall be filled as provided for in section
8 of the Charter. (Charter, Sec. 30.)

Sec. 56. Same—power to appoint special police.

He shall have power to appoint special policemen as he may
deem necessary to preserve the good order of the city, which
appointment he shall report to the next regular meeting of the
Council, and if said appointment is approved by it, it shall be
confirmed. (Charter, Sec. 30.)

Sec. 57. Insurance of city property.

It shall be the duty of the Mayor to see that all city property
is properly insured against fire or loss from other causes. All
insurance policies shall be turned over to the Clerk of the Council
to be filed.