The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
28TH IUNIJ 1620
A great and generall Quarter Courte helde in
the afternoone at Mr Ferrarℯ house.
28th Iunij 1620:
Earle of Southampton. | Lord Cauendish. |
Earle of Dorsett. | Lord Sheffeild. |
Earle of Warwicke. | Lord Pagett. |
Earle of Deuonsheire. |
Sr Edward Sackuill. | Sr Nicho: Tufton. | Sr Nath: Rich. |
Sr Edwin Sandys Thr̃er. | Sr Thomas Roe. | Sr Phillip Cary. |
Sr Tho: Smith. | Sr Ferdinando Gorges. | Sr Tho: Weynman. |
Sr Dudley Diggs. | Sr Iohn Dauers. | Sr Walter Earle. |
Sr Antho: Aucher. | Sr Iohn Wolstenholme. | |
wth diuers others. |
[132] Mr Ther̃r signified that accordinge to the standinge Orders there
had been a Courte kept in the morninge wherin divers waightie mat-
ters had been discussed and resolved, butt the full Ratyficac̃on of
them was referred vnto this great assembly.
ffirst the great Charter read in the last Quarter Courte was now againe
read and by erecc̃on of hands confirmed and ordered to be sealed.
Then the Charter for mr Thorpe, mr Nuse, the Deputies of the Col-
ledge and Company and for the Secretary was read and confirmed
and allowed that the Seale should be affixed.
Mr Thr̃er propounded the names of such as by the morninge Courte
were chosen of his Maties Counsell here for Virginia, namely the Lord
Haughton Sr Edward Sackfeild, mr Samuell Wrote mr Thomas
Keightley, mr Thomas Sheppard, mr Robert Smith, Dr Winstone, and
Dr Gulstone, who being againe seuerally putt to the question were by
errecc̃on of hands confirmed.
Then was there further chosen to be of his Maties: Counsell for Virginia
the Earle of Dorsett then present The Earle of Huntington, and mr
Doctor Anthony.
And vppon the reporte of mr Thr̃er of the many and great favours
that the Earle of Huntington and Bath had this year done this Com-
pany in the procuringe of many fitt and vsefull p̱sons sent to Virginia
Itt was ordered that the Courtℯ especially thanks should be signified
to them by letters.
Likewise the Councellors of Estate in Virginia propounded in the
forenoone were againe by erreccon of hands confirmed, namely mr
Thorpe, mr Nuce, mr Tracy, mr Pountus, mr Middleton, mr Bluett
and to them was now added mr Horwood the cheife of Martinℯ Hun-
The matters concerninge the Ship and Voyadge now p̢sentlie intended
were in the same manner as in the morninge p̳pounded and all ratefied
and confirmed by errecc̃on of hands.
The five shares graunted by the Courte in the forenoone to mr Iames
Bagg Iunior were againe putt to the hands and confirmed wth many
great thanks. [133]
The petic̃ons exhibited by mr Wrote and mr Berblock beinge read and
approved in the forenoone was now confirmed.
The printinge of the standinge Orders and anexinge them to the booke
formerly ordered to be sett out beinge propounded in the Preparative
Courte by mr Robert Smith and well liked of by the mornings Courte
was now fully ordered to be instantlie done.
The allowance of Land graunted to Sr Frauncis Weynmane was
againe by ereccon of hands confirmed
The rest of the things that were ordered by the mornings Courte were
againe propounded and confirmed, and the Seale affixed to the Pattent
graunted to Mr Zouch.
The Counsell findinge Capt Argolls buisines intollerable trouble some
and vnderstandinge themselues to be vnduely stayed ∥taxed∥ refused
to p̳ceed any further therin butt to leave itt to the decydinge and
iudginge of the Courte wch was by the generallytie accepted and ratifyed.
This done mr Thr̃er the second time surrendered his place, att wch
time Sr Nathaniell Rich offeringe to move concerninge some asperc̃ons
laid vppon him in regard this was a great and Quarter Courte was
answered that itt would be a fitter time when the new Treasuror was
The Earle of Southampton acquainted this Courte that himselfe wth
the rest of the Lords and gentlemen requested thervnto by the last
Quarter Courte had presented their humble desires vnto his Matie for
the free eleccon of their Treasurer whervnto his Matie: had most gra-
tiously condiscented signyfyinge vnto them that it would be pleasinge
to him they made choyce of such a one as might att all times and
occasions have free accesse vnto his royall p̱sonn. And further
declaringe that itt was the mistakinge of the messenger haveinge not
receaved his message imeadiately from his owne royall mouth to exclud
them from the libertie of choosinge any butt the fower nominated
butt whome his Mats: intent was indeed to recom̃end butt not so as to
barr the Compa: from the choyse of any other.
amptonℯ report of
his prsenting their
desire to his Maty:
for the free elecc̃on
of their Thr̃er.
Whervppon the wholl Courte rendred to his Matie: all humble thankℯ
and ordered that by writinge itt should be signified vnto his Matie: [134]
Then mr Herbert delivered vnto the Company that wheras by some
distractions and discentions in the Company the buisines much suf-
fered in the reputac̃on and otherwise, they should now thinke vppon
some Person of such worth and authoritie as might give full remedie
of that greate habillitie and sufficiencie together wth his industrie
and integritie as of his ranke ther could not be found any to passe
him, there was now lefte noe hope except itt might please some of
those Honorable p̱sonages then p̢sent to vouchsaffe to accept of the
place, who by adic̃on of Nobillitie might effect that wch others by meere
habillytie could not doe.
Wch moc̃on beinge exceedinglie approved the whole Courte imeadi-
ately wth much ioy and applause nominated the Earle of Southampton
wth much ernestnes beseechinge his Lop: that for the redeeminge of
this Noble Plantac̃on and Company from the ruines that seemed to
hange ouer itt hee would vouchsaffe to accept of the place of Thr̃er.
Wch itt pleased him after some finale pause in fine to doe in very noble
manner out of the worthie love and affecc̃on that hee bare to the
Plantac̃on And the Courte in testimoniall of their bounden thankfull-
nes and of the great honoure and respect they ought him, did resolve
to surcease the ballatinge box and wth out nominac̃on of any other by
erecc̃on of hands his Lop: was chosen Tr̃er and tooke his Oath. Wch
done his Lop: desyred the Compa: that they would all putt on the
same myndes wth wch hee hadd accepted that place.
And the Courte further declared themselvs that itt was not their
intent that his Lop: should be further bound to the p̱formance of the
buisines of this Courte then his owne more waightie buisinesses did
ffor place of Deputie this Courte nominated mr fferrar mr Keightley
and mr Cranmer who beinge putt to the Ballatinge Box mr Ferrar was
chosen by pluralitie of Balles: who tooke his Oth.
ffor Auditors were Chosen Sr Edwin Sandys, Sr Iohn Dauers, mr
Wroth all three of the quorum, And Sr Edwin Sandys, who said that
though hee had been head hee would be contented to be the foote for
ye benefitt of ye Plantac̃on was allowed to follow itt att large as his
owne buisines gave him leave The other 4: were mr Ferrar, mr
and mr Abdy, whom Sr Thomas Smith the former yeare desyred to be
admitted as Adventurers Auditors on his p̱te were continued againe
takinge their Othes as the rest. [135]
mr Cranmer. | mr Bernard. | mr Bland. |
mr Berblock. | mr Boothbie. | mr Wiseman. |
mr Bull. | mr Nicho: Ferrar. | mr Chambers. |
mr George Smith. | mr Iones. | mr Wheatley. |
mr Caswell. | mr Clarke. | mr Darnelly. |
mr Mellinge. |
Mr ffotherby the Secretary offered to give vpp his place in the due
p̱formance wherof the Company p̱ceivinge him to have been some-
way faulty hee was discharged and mr Collingwood recommended by
my Lord of Warwick and Sr Iohn Dauers chosen in his place, And
in regard that in a day of soe great ioy none should goe away greived
the Courte Condiscended ouer and aboue the 5li due to Mr ffotherbie
for his wages to bestow vppon him 10li.
Mr Webb was chosen Husband and mr Carter Beadle.
Sr Edwin Sandys desyred his quietus est, his Accompt haveinge
accordinge to order of Courte lien since the last Quarter Courte vppon
the Table and no excepc̃ons taken thervnto: wch the Courte not onely
assented vnto butt further allso declared themselvs that itt should be
referred to a select Com̃ittee to give him a due testimoniall vnder ye
Companies Seale of his worthie service this last yeare performed as
likewise by some proporc̃on of Land to testifie their greate thankfull-
nes vnto him.
lowed his quietus
est and to haue a
testimoniall of ye
Companies thank-
fullnes and a p̳por-
c̃on of Land.
Butt itt beinge past six of the Clock they thought itt fitt to defferr itt
to the next Courte that itt might be more orderly p̳ceeded in. [136]
Itt was likewise thought fitt in regard of the extraordinary paines of
the Comittees the last year that the Company should shew their
thankfullnes vnto them in the like kinde in bestowinge some portions
of Land vppon them.
Sr Thomas Smith in this last Courte acquainted them wth a mistak-
inge that a petic̃on exhibited vnto him by mr Canninge should be sent
to ye King wch hee now p̳duced and offered to shew vnto the Courte.
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||