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Lives of the nuns

biographies of Chinese Buddhist nuns from the fourth to sixth centuries : a translation of the Pi-ch'iu-ni chuan
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Sources, Reference Works, and Readings
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Sources, Reference Works, and Readings

An asterisk marks the more easily available works that may be of
further interest to the reader.

Biographies of Buddhist Nuns: Pao-chang's Pi-chiu-ni chuan. Translated by Li
Jung-hsi. Ōsaka: Tohokai, 1981. See also Tsai, Kathryn. "Review of
Biographies of Buddhist Nuns, Pao-chang's Pi-chiu-ni chuan," translated
by Li Jung-hsi, Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 1 (1989): 87-101. Mr.
Li's translation is adequate, except for the sections where references to
sources other than the biographies themselves, such as the Chinese
Buddhist scriptures, the dynastic histories, or important secondary
sources were necessary to understand the text. His introduction, however,
was written under political circumstances that apparently constrained
him to make statements that, although not contradicting the
official ideology, were quite contrary to what was evident in the biographies


themselves. Although of interest, the book is for all practical
purposes unobtainable in the United States.

*Blofeld, John E. The Wheel of Life: The Autobiography of a Western Buddhist.
Boston: Shambala Publications, 1988. Mr. Blofeld is an accurate
and eloquent observer. This account of his sojourn in China before
World War II gives us a vicarious experience of things that are no more.

*Buddhist Texts through the Ages. Edited by Edward Conze. New York: Harper
& Row, 1964. Contains selections from the whole range of Buddhist
scriptures. It includes Arthur Waley's translation of biographies
1, 27, and 55.

*Chen-hua. In Search of the Dharma: Memoires of a Modern Chinese Buddhist
Edited by Chün-fang Yü and translated by Denis C.
Mair. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992. A lively,
readable account of a modern Chinese Buddhist pilgrim.

*Ch'en, Kenneth. "Anti-Buddhist Propaganda during the Nan-ch'ao." Harvard
Journal of Asiatic Studies
15(1952): 166-192. The period covered
by this article is exactly the same as that covered by Lives of the
Ch'en translates many arguments offered by both Taoists and
Confucians against the foreign religion of Buddhism, as well as the
responses by Buddhist apologists.

*—. Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1964. Ch'en's valuable book has something on every
aspect of Buddhism in China and also includes an excellent bibliography.

*—. The Transformation of Chinese Buddhism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1973. An overview of cultural aspects of Buddhism
in China.

Chi shen chou san pao kan t'ung lu (Collection of records of miracles wrought
in China by faith in the Three Treasures). Compiled by Tao-hsüan
(596-667). T. 52, no. 2106.

Chin shu (History of the Chin dynasty). 10 vols. Compiled by Fang Hsüan-ling
(578-648) and others. Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1974.

Ch'u san-tsang chi chi (Collected notes on the translation of the Buddhist
scriptures into Chinese). By Seng-yu (ca. 515). T. 55, no. 2145.

Chu wei-mo-chieh ching (Commentary to the Vimalakīrti). By Seng-chao
(374-414). T. 35, no. 1775.

Chuang Tzu. Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. Translated by Burton Watson.
New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1968.

Chung-kuo ku chin ti ming ta tz'u tien (Dictionary of Chinese place names
ancient and modern). Compiled by Tsang Li-ho and others. 2d. ed.
Hong Kong: Shang-wu Publishing, 1933.

Classic of History. See Shoo-King (Shu ching).


Collected Notes on the Translation of the Buddhist Scriptures into Chinese.
See Ch'u san-tsang chi chi.

Commentary to the Vimalakīrti. See Chu wei-mo-chieh ching.

*Confucius. The Analects. Translated by D. C. Lau. New York: Penguin
Classics, 1979; and The Analects of Confucius. Translated by Arthur
Waley. N.Y.: Vintage Books, 1938. Both of these excellent scholarly
translations of the Lun yü, each with a valuable introduction, are available
in convenient editions.

Cullavagga. Vol. 20 in Sacred Books of the East, edited by F. Max Müeller.
Reprint. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1965.

de Groot, J. J. M. The Religious System of China. 6 vols. Reprint. Taipei:
Ch'eng Wen Publishing, 1972.

Demiéville, Paul. "Momies d'Extrême-Orient." Journal des Savants (1965):
144-170; reprinted in P. Demiéville, Choix d'étude sinologiques.
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973, pp. 407-432.

des Rotours, Robert. Traité des fonctionnaires et traité de l'armée, traduits de
la nouvelle histoire des T'ang
(chaps. 44-50) vols. 1, 2. Bibliotheque
de l'institut des hautes études chinoises, vol. 6. Leiden: E. J. Brill,
1948, 1949.

Dharmaguptaka-bhikshunī-pratimoksha. See Ssu fen pi-ch'iu-ni chieh pen.

Dharmaguptaka-vinaya. See Ssu fen lü

Dudbridge, Glen. The Legend of Miao-shan. London, Oxford Oriental Monographs
No. 1, Oxford University, 1978.

Ekottarāgama. See Tseng i a-han ching.

Eliade, Mircea. Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries. New York: Harper Torchbooks,

—. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (in French). Translated
by Willard R. Trask. Bollingen Series no. 77. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1964.

Eminent Monks. See Kao seng chuan.

*Ennin's Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law.
Translated by Edwin O. Reischauer. New York: Ronald Press, 1955.
This Japanese pilgrim traveled to China just in time to witness the great
persecution in the mid-ninth century. Although the time is later than
that covered by the biographies of the nuns, it is still valuable for its
eye-witness account of Buddhism in medieval China.

Fa yüan chu lin (Forest of pearls in the garden of the law). Compiled by Tao-shih
(fl. 656-668). T. 53 no. 2122.

*Facets of Taoism in Chinese Religion. Edited by Holmes Welch and Anna
Seidel. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979.

Fo tsu t'ung chi (Thorough record of the Buddha's lineage). Compiled by
Chih-p'an (fl. 1258-1269). T. 49 no. 2035.


Forest of Pearls in the Garden of the Law. See Fa yüan chu lin.

*Friedman, Lenore. Meetings with Remarkable Women: Buddhist Teachers in
Boston: Shambala Publications, 1987.

Further Lives of Eminent Monks. See Hsü kao seng chuan.

Gernet, Jacques. Les aspects économiques du bouddhisme dans la société chinoise
du Ve au Xe siècle.
Paris: École Française d'Extrême Orient,

—. "Les suicides par le feu chez les bouddhistes chinois du Ve au Xe siècle."
Mélanges publiés par l'Institut des Hautes Études chinoises 2
(1960): 527-558.

Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise. See Ta chih tu lun.

Great Sung Dynasty Compact History of the Buddhist Assemblies. See Ta
sung seng shih lüeh.

Han fa pen nei chuan (Hidden account of the origin of the [Buddhist] law in
the Han dynasty.) This text was probably forged during the sixth century
and no longer exists as a separate work, but parts and summaries
exist in other works. See Zürcher, Buddhist Conquest, vol. 2, p. 325,
n. 23.

Han shu (History of the Former Han dynasty), 12 vols. By Pan Ku (32-92).
Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1987.

Han shu i wen chih (Bibliography in the history of the Former Han dynasty),
Chap. 30 of Han shu (q.v.).

*Herrmann, Albert. Historical and Commercial Atlas of China. Harvard-Yenching
Institute monograph series no. 1. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1935. This old but still valuable work is excellent
for its graphic presentation of the shifting political boundaries of
the Northern and Southern dynasties. It also has maps of the ancient
capitals of Ch'ang-an, Lo-yang, and Chien-k'ang (Nanjing). The entire
atlas is a treat for those who enjoy contemplating history by means of

Hirakawa Akira. Ritsuzō-no-kenkyū. Tokyo: Sankibo-Busshorin, 1970.

Historical Atlas of China, The (Chung-kuo li-shih ti-t'u chi). Vol. 4, The Eastern
Jin Dynasty and Sixteen Kingdoms Period, The Southern and
Northern Dynasties Period.
Edited by Tan Qixiang. Shanghai: Cartographic
Publishing House, 1982. Title and introduction in Chinese and
English, maps in Chinese only.

*Horner, I. B. Women under Primitive Buddhism. 1930. Reprint. Delhi:
Motilal Banarsidass, 1975. This is a study of monastic life for women
in the earliest days of Buddhism in India.

Hou han shu (History of the Latter Han dynasty). By Fan Yeh. 12 vols.
Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1965.

Hsü kao seng chuan (Further lives of eminent monks). By Tao Hsüan (596667).
T. 50, no. 2060.


*Jan Yun-hua. "Buddhist Self-Immolation in Medieval China," History of
4, no. 2 (winter 1965): 243-268. This article discusses all
kinds of suicides, not only those by fire.

K'ai-yüan shih chiao lu (The T'ang k'ai-yüan reign period catalogue of Buddhist
writings). By Shih Chih-sheng (ca. 730). T. 5, no. 2154.

K'ai-yüan shih chiao lu lüeh ch'u (The condensed T'ang k'ai-üan reign period
catalogue of Buddhist writings). By Shih Chih-sheng (ca. 730). T. 5,
no. 2155.

*Kaltenmark, Max. Lao Tzu and Taoism (in French). Translated by Robert
Greaves. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1969. A popular
and erudite introduction to Taoism.

Kao seng chuan (Lives of eminent monks). By Hui-chiao (ca. 530). T. 50, no.

Kao seng Fa Hsien chuan (Biography of the eminent monk Fa Hsien). T. 51,
no. 2085.

Kasuga Reichi, "Jōdokyō-shiryō to shite no meisōden-shishishō meisōden-yōbun
chō narabi ni mirokunyorai kannō shō dai shi shōin no meisōden
ni tsuite," Shūgaku Kenkyū 12 (1936): 53-118. (The title of this
journal has been miscopied as Shūkyō Kenkyū in other publications.)

Ku chin t'u shu chi ch'eng (Imperial encyclopedia, or, Complete collection of
books and records ancient and modern). Chung-hua Publishing, 1934.
Photolithographic reproduction of palace edition, presented to the
emperor in 1725.

Kuang hung ming chi (The extended collection making known the illustrious).
Compiled by Tao-hsüan (fl. 624-667). T. 52, no. 2103.

Kuang tsan ching (Perfection of wisdom in 25,000 lines; Sanskrit: Pañchavimshatisāhasrikā-prajñā-pāramitā).
Translated by Chu Fa-hu (Dharmaraksha)
(fl. 265-310) in the north in Chang-an and Lo-yang. T. 8,
no. 222.

*Lao tzu tao teh ching. Vol. 3, Chu tzu chi ch'eng, Chung-hua Publishing,
1954. Many good translations into English are available.

Le Lie-sien tchouan: Biographies légendaires des immortals taoïstes de l'anti-quité.
Translated by Max Kaltenmark. Peking: Université de Paris,
Publications du centre d'études sinologiques de Pékin, 1953.

Lévi, S., and E. Chavannes, "Les seize arhat protecteurs de la loi." Journal
8, series 11, (September-October 1916): 189-304.

Li tai san pao chi (Records of the Three Treasures through the ages). By Fei
Ch'ang-fang (597). T. 49, no. 2043.

Liang shu (History of the Liang dynasty). 3 vols. Compiled by Yao Ssu-lien
(636). Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1973.

Lieh nü chuan (Lives of Illustrious Women). Compiled by Liu Hsiang
(77-6 b.c.).

*Link, Arthur E. "Biography of Shih Tao-an." T'oung Pao 46(1958): 1-48. A


very scholarly translation of the biography of Shih Tao-an, a man of
exceeding importance in the early history of Buddhism in China.

—. "Shih Seng-yu and His Writings," Journal of the American Oriental
80, no. 1 (January / March 1960): 17-43.

—. "Taoist antecedents of Tao-an's Ontology," Symposium on Taoism in
History of Religions
nos. 2, 3 (November 1969-February 1970):

*Liu I-ch'ing. Shih-shuo hsin-yü. Translated by Richard Mather. A New
Account of Tales of the World.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1976. A highly entertaining collection of tales of lives and events
covering roughly the years 120-420, therefore overlapping somewhat
with the Lives of the Nuns. The tales are divided by category and for
the most part deal with members of the upper classes.

Lives of Eminent Monks. See Kao seng chuan.

Lives of Famous Monks. See Meisōden-shō.

Lives of Illustrious Women. See Lieh nü chuan.

Lives of the Nuns. See Pi-ch'iu-ni chuan.

Lo-yang ch'ieh-lan chi. By Yang Hsüan-chih (532-534). T. 51, no. 2092.
Reprinted. Taipei: Shih-chieh Publishing, 1962.

Lu Hsüan. Ku hsiao-shuo kou ch'en (A study of ancient fiction).
2 vols. Hong Kong: Hsin-yi (New Arts) Publishing, 1967.

Lun yü. See Confucius.

Mahāprajāpatī-sūtra. See Ta-ai-tao pi-ch'iu-ni ching.

Mahāsānghika-bhiksunī-prātimoksha. See Mo-ha-seng-shih pi-ch'iu-ni chieh

Mahīshāsaka-vinaya. See Mi-sha-se pu ho hsi wu fen lü; and Mo-ha-seng-shih
pi-ch'iu-ni chieh pen.

Maspero, Henri. "Les Origins de la communauté bouddhist de Loyang." Journal
225 (1934): 87-107.

—. Le Taoïsme et les religions chinoises. Paris: Gallimard, 1971.

Meisōden-shō (Ming seng chuan ch'ao) (Selections from the lives of famous
monks). In Zoku-zōkyō, ser. 2 (Tokyo: Zōkyō-shoin, 1905-1912),
part 2z, case 7, vol. 1. (Reprint, Taipei: Shin Wen Feng, vol. 134, n.d.)

*Mencius. Translated by D. C. Lau. London: Penguin, 1970. An excellent
scholarly translation in a convenient edition. Chinese version in Chu
tzu chi ch'eng,
vol. 1, Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1954.

Method for Inviting Pindola (Ch'ing pin-t'ou-lu fa). Translated by Hui-chien
(457), in the south near Chien-k'ang. T. 32, no. 1689.

Mi-sha-se pu ho hsi wu fen lü (Mahīshāsaka-vinaya). Translated by Fo-t'oshih
and Chu Tao-sheng (early fifth century). T. 22, no. 1421.

Ming hsiang chi (Records of mysterious omens). By Wang Yen (ca. 479). The
complete book is no longer extant, but fragments have been brought


together by Lu Hsün in Ku hsiao-shou kou ch'en (A study of ancient
fiction). 2 vols. Hong Kong: Hsin-i (New Arts) Publishing, 1967.

Ming seng chuan (Lives of famous monks). By Shih Pao-ch'ang. See Meisōden-shō.

Mo-ha-seng-shih pi-ch'iu-ni chieh pen (Mahāsānghika bhikshunī-prātimoksha).
Translated by Fa Hsien (ca. 416+). T. 22, no. 1427.

Mochizuki Shinkō. Bukkyō-daijiten (Encyclopedia of Buddhism). 10 vols.
Tokyo: Seikai-shōten, 1968.

Nan ch'i shu (History of the Southern Ch'i dynasty). 3 vols. Compiled by
Hsiao Tzu-hsien (489-537). Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1972.

Nan shih (History of the Southern dynasties). 6 vols. Compiled by Li Yen-shou
(mid-seventh century). Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1975.

*Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilisation in China. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, various dates. This series about the history of
science in China can be of great interest and use to the general reader
who is not necessarily well versed in science. Volumes 1, 2, and 5.2
have much on Chinese history in general and on both Buddhism and
Taoism as well as other Chinese philosophical traditions. The bibliographies
are exceptionally full.

Ngo Van Xuyet. Divination magie et politique dans la Chine ancienne. Paris:
Presses Universitaires de France, 1976.

Oda Tokunō. Bukkyō-daijiten. Revised ed. Tokyo: Daizō-shuppan, 1969.

*O'Hara, Albert Richard, S. J. The Position of Women in Early China. Washington,
D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1945. Translates
and analyzes the Lieh nü chuan (Lives of illustrious women), compiled
by Liu Hsiang (77-6 b.c.).

*Paul, Diana. Women in Buddhism. Berkeley, Calif.: Asian Humanities Press,
1980. A thorough study of the feminine in Buddhism.

Pi-ch'iu-ni chuan (Lives of the nuns). Compiled by Shih Pao-ch'ang (ca. 516),
in the south in Chien-k'ang. T. 50, no. 2063.

Pi-nai-yeh (Vinaya). Translated by Chu Fo-nien (fl. 365-385) in the north in
Ch'ang-an. T. 24, no. 1464.

*Prip-Møller, Johannes. Chinese Buddhist Monasteries: Their Plan and Its
Function as a Setting for Buddhist Monastic Life.
1937. Reprint. 2d
ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1967. The materials for
this extraordinary book were collected during the late 1920s and 1930s
amid the terrible conditions prevalent at that time in China. Numerous
photographs and drawings are enhanced by the discussion in the text.
This book, together with Holmes Welch's Practice of Chinese Buddhism
(see below), present the best picture that we have of the time
when Buddhist monastic life in mainland China was viable and


*Psalms of the Sisters (Therīgāthā). Translated by Caroline Rhys Davids.
London: Pali Text Society translation series no. 1, Luzac, 1909; 1964.
This is a translation of a very early collection of verses supposedly
recited by women at the time of their enlightenment. It is the only other
Buddhist canonical work (it is found in the Pali canon) that can compare
with the Chinese Lives of the Nuns. It is not biographical in the
historical sense but rather in the realm of the heart and spirit and complements
the Lives very well.

Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, A: Being an account by the Chinese monk
Fa-hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (a.d. 399-414) in search of
the Buddhist books of discipline.
Translated and annotated with a Corean
recension of the Chinese text by James Legge. New York: Paragon
Book Reprint Corp., and Dover Publications, Inc., 1965.

Record of Monasteries and Convents in Lo-yang, A. See Lo-yang ch'ieh-lan

Records of Mysterious Omens. See Ming hsiang chi.

Répertoire du canon bouddhique Sino-Japonais, édition de Taishō (Catalogue
of the Sino-Japanese Buddhist canon of the Taishō edition). Supplement
to Hōbōgirin. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Edited by Paul Demiéville,
Hubert Durt, and Anna Seidel. Paris: Adrien-maisonneuve, 1978.

Robinson, Richard H. Early Mādhyamika in India and China. Madison: University
of Wisconsin Press, 1967.

*Robinson, Richard H., and Willard Johnson. The Buddhist Religion. 3d ed.
Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing, 1982. A general historical
introduction to Buddhism from its beginning to the present day.

Rogers, Michael C., trans. The Chronicle of Fu Chien: A Case of Exemplar
Chinese Dynastic Histories translation no. 10. Berkeley and
Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1968.

*Seidel, Anna. "Chronicle of Taoist Studies in the West 1950-1990." Cahiers
5 (1989-1990): 233-347. A scholarly treat for the

Selections from the Lives of Famous Monks. See Meisōden-shō.

Seng-chao. Chu wei-mo-chieh ching (Commentary to the Vimalakīrti scripture).
T. 38, no. 1775.

Seven Tallies in a Cloud Satchel. See Yün chi ch'i ch'ien.

Shih Pao-ch'ang. See Meisōden-shō.

Shoo-king. Translated by James Legge. Shanghai: Shanghai Publishing, 1904.
Includes Chinese text.

Soper, Alexander. "Literary Evidence for Early Buddhist Art in China." Artibus
Suppl. 19. 1959.

Ssu fen lü (Dharmaguptaka-vinaya). Translated by Buddhayashas and Chu
Fo-nien (ca. 365), in Ch'ang-an, in the north. T. 22, no. 1428.

Ssu fen pi-ch'iu-ni chieh-mo fa (Dharmaguptaka nuns' rites and rules book).


Translated by Gunavarman (431), in the south in Chien-k'ang. T. 22,
no. 1434.

Ssu fen pi-ch'iu-ni chieh pen (Dharmaguptaka nuns' rule book). Translated by
Buddhayashas (ca. 408-412), in Ch'ang-an, in the north. T. 22, no.

Stein, R. A. "Remarques sur les mouvements du Taoïsme politico-religieux au
IIe siècle ap. J.-C." T'oung Pao 50 (1963): 1-78.

Study of Ancient Fiction. See Lu Hsün. Ku hsiao-shuo kou ch'en.

Sung kao seng chuan (The Sung dynasty biographies of eminent monks).
Compiled by Ts'an-ning (919-1001). T. 50, no. 2061.

Sung shu (History of the Sung dynasty). 8 vols. Compiled by Shen Yüeh (441513).
Peking: Chung-hua Publishing, 1974.

Symposium on Taoism. In History of Religions. 9, nos. 2, 3 (November
1969/February 1970): 107-255.

Ta-ai-tao pi-ch'iu-ni ching (The scripture of Mahāprajāpatī's vinaya). (412439)
Anonymous. T. 24, no. 1478.

Ta chih tu lun (Great perfection of wisdom treatise). By Nāgārjuna. Translated
into Chinese by Kumārajīva. T. 25, no. 1509, and into French by
E. Lamotte, Le Traité de la grande vertu de Sagesse de Nāgārjuna. Vol.
1. Louvain: Publications Universitaires, 1949; reprinted 1966.

Ta sung seng shih lüeh (Great Sung dynasty compact history of the Buddhist
assemblies). Compiled by Ts'an-ning (997). T. 54, no. 2126.

T'ai-p'ing yü lan (The T'ai-p'ing encyclopedia). Compiled by Li Fang et al. in
the mid-tenth century. Reprint. Taipei: Ta-hua Publishing, 1980.

Taishō-shinshū-daizōkyō (Chinese Buddhist canon newly edited in the Taishō
era [1912-1925]). 55 vols. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō, Watanabe
Kaigyoku, and Ono Gemmyō, Tokyo: Taisho Issai-kyō kanko kwai,

T'ang Yung-t'ung, Han wei liang-chin nan-pei-ch'ao fo-chiao shih (History of
Buddhism in the Han, Wei, Chin, and southern and northern dynasties).
Peking, Chung-hua Publishing, 1955.

*Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha. Edited with commentary by E. A.
Burtt. New York: Mentor Books, 1959. Pocket-sized selection of texts
from all types of Buddhism.

*Thompson, Laurence G. The Chinese Way in Religion. Encino and Belmont,
Calif.: Dickenson Publishing, 1973. This volume reprints the diary,
first published in 1923, of a modern Chinese woman who decides to
become a Buddhist nun.

—. Chinese Religion: An introduction. 2d ed. Encino and Belmont,
Calif.: Dickenson Publishing Co., 1975.

Thorough Record of the Buddha's Lineage. See Fo tsu t'ung chi.

*Tsai, Kathryn. "The Chinese Buddhist Monastic Order for Women: The
First Two Centuries." Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 8,


no. 3 (fall 1981): 1-20. A very technical version of the present introduction
to the biographies of the nuns.

Tseng i a-han ching. Translated by T'i-ho (Gautama Sanghadeva) [ca. 383398],
in both north and south. T. 2, no. 125.

Tsukamoto Zenryū. Chūgoku bukkyō tsūshi (History of Chinese Buddhism).
Tokyo: Suzuki-gakujitsu zaidan, 1968.

*Van Gulik, Robert. Sexual Life in Ancient China: A Preliminary Survey of
Chinese Sex and Society from ca. 1500 b.c. till 1644 a.d.
E. J. Brill, 1961. This valuable book provides much information
about the life that Buddhist nuns left behind.

Watson, Burton. The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1968

Waley, Arthur F. The Analects of Confucius. See Confucius.

Wei shu (History of the Wei dynasty). 8 vols. Compiled by Wei Shou (551).
Peking: Hsin-hua Publishing, 1974.

*Welch, Holmes. Taoism: The Parting of the Way. Rev. ed. Boston: Beacon
Press, 1966. A well-written overview of Taoism.

*—. The Practice of Chinese Buddhism, 1900-1950. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1967. Welch interviewed many monks who
had fled from mainland China after the communist takeover and, using
their testimony, reconstructed general patterns of life in Chinese Buddhist
monasteries. It is a very valuable book that stands together with
Chinese Buddhist Monasteries by Johannes Prip-Møller (see above).

*Wright, Arthur F. "Biography of the Nun An Ling-shou." Harvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies
15(1952): 193-196. Another version of biography 2.

*—. Buddhism in Chinese History. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University
Press, 1959. A short introductory book.

*—. "Fo-t'u-teng: A Biography." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
11(1948): 321-371. A very scholarly translation of Fo-t'u-teng's biography
with introduction and annotation that gives a good picture of the

—. "Biography and Hagiography: Hui-chiao's Lives of Eminent Monks."
Silver Jubilee Volume of Jimbunkagakukenkyushō (Zinbunkagakukenkyusyō),
pp. 383-432. Kyoto: Jimbun Kagaku Kenkyūsyo, 1954. A
good study of the Kao seng chuan and its sources but hard to find.

Yün chi ch'i ch'ien (Seven tallies in a cloud satchel). 3 vols. Taipei: Tzu-yu
Publishing, 1978. A Sung-dynasty collection (ca. 1025) of major Taoist

Zoku-zōkyō, ser. 2. Tokyo: Zōkyō-shoin, 1905-1912. See also Meisōden-shō.

*Zücher, Erik. The Buddhist Conquest of China: The Spread and Adaptation
of Buddhism in Early Medieval China.
2 vols. Leiden: E. J. Brill,
1959. A solid work of the history of the period.