University of Virginia Library


Hymn 3.

[Jesus, Thy sovereign name I bless!]

Jesus, Thy sovereign name I bless!
Sorrow is joy, and pain is ease
To those that trust in Thee:


All things together work for good,
To me, the purchase of Thy blood,
The much-loved sinner me.
A feeble, helpless child of man
I suffer and enjoy my pain,
And hidden sweetness prove;
With pitying eyes and outstretch'd hands,
Before me still the Saviour stands,
In majesty of love.
Gladly I drink Thy mercy's cup,
I fill my Lord's afflictions up,
I now am truly great;
Exalted by Thy kind command,
By sufferings placed at Thy right hand,
I in Thy kingdom sit.
With Thee, O Christ, on earth I reign,
In all the awful pomp of pain;
But send my piercing eyes
The' eternal things unseen to see,
The crown of life reserved for me,
And glittering through the skies.
As sure as now Thy cross I bear,
I shall Thy heavenly kingdom share,
And take my seat above;
Celestial joy is in this pain,
It tells me, I with Thee shall reign,
In everlasting love.
The more my sufferings here increase,
The greater is my future bliss;
And Thou my griefs dost tell:


They in Thy book are noted down;
A jewel added to my crown
Is every pain I feel.
So be it then, if Thou ordain,
Crowd all my happy life with pain,
And let me daily die:
I bow, and bless the sacred sign,
And bear the cross, by grace Divine,
Which lifts me to the sky.