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Hymn 2.

[And shall I, Lord, the cup decline]

And shall I, Lord, the cup decline
So wisely mix'd by Love Divine,
And tasted first by Thee!
The bitter draught Thou drankest up,
And but this single, sacred drop
Hast Thou reserved for me.
Lo! I receive it at Thy hand,
And bear by Thy benign command
The salutary pain;
With Thee to live I gladly die,
And suffer here, above the sky
With my dear Lord to reign.
Here only can I show my love,
By suffering my obedience prove;
But when Thy heaven I share,
I cannot mourn for Jesu's sake,
I cannot there Thy cup partake,
I cannot suffer there.
Full gladly then for Thee I grieve,
The honour of Thy cross receive,
And bless the happy load:
Who would not in Thy footsteps tread,
Who would not bow, like Thee, his head,
And sympathise with God!