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I'm gittin' old—I know,—
It seems so long ago—
So long sence John was here!
He went so young!—our Jim
'S as old now 'most as him,—
Close on to thirty year'!
I know I'm gittin' old—
I know it by the cold,
From time 'at first frost flies.—
Seems like—sence John was here—
Winters is more severe;
And winter I de-spise!
And yet it seems, some days,
John's here, with his odd ways ...
Comes soon-like from the corn-
Field, callin' “Mother” at
Me—like he called me that
Even 'fore Jim was born!


When Jim come—La! how good
Was all the neighborhood!—
And Doctor!—when I heerd
Him joke John, kind o' low,
And say: Yes, folks could go—
PA needn't be afeard!
When Jim come,—John says-'e—
A-bendin' over me
And baby in the bed—
And jes' us three,—says-'e
“Our little family!”
And that was all he said ...
And cried jes' like a child!—
Kissed me again, and smiled,—
'Cause I was cryin' too.
And here I am again
A-cryin', same as then—
Yet happy through and through!
The old home's most in mind
And joys long left behind ...
Jim's little h'istin' crawl
Acrost the floor to where
John set a-rockin' there ...
(I'm gittin' old—That's all!)
I'm gittin' old—no doubt—
(Healthy as all git-out!)—
But, strangest thing I do,—


I cry so easy now—
I cry jes' anyhow
The fool-tears wants me to!
But Jim he won't be told
'At “Mother” 's gittin' old! ...
Hugged me, he did, and smiled
This morning, and bragged “shore
He loved me even more
Than when he was a child!
That's his way; but ef John
Was here now, lookin' on,
He'd shorely know and see:
“But, ‘Mother,’” s'pect he'd say,
“S'pose you air gittin' gray,
You're younger yet than me!”
I'm gittin' old,—because
Our young days, like they was,
Keeps comin' back—so clear,
'At little Jim, once more,
Comes h'istin' crost the floor
Fer John's old rockin'-cheer!
O beautiful!—to be
A-gittin' old, like me! ...
Hey, Jim! Come in now, Jim!
Your supper's ready, dear!
(How more, every year,
He looks and acts like him!)