University of Virginia Library


Montalembert! De Mérode! Linked were ye
In bonds more strong than those of human love,
Twins of one Faith and gendered from above—
One fruitful Truth, ‘God's City must be free,’
Prime Truth of Christianized Civility:
For that one Truth in word and work ye strove;
Nor strove in vain, as years to come shall prove
When those who shape their ‘Throned Democracy,’
That Matter-God the foe of cot and crown,
Hard hunted by the creature of their hands,
Flee from his face amazed o'er seas and lands.
The praise of such ye spurned, nor feared their frown:
Ye battled for man's hope; God's Church confessed:
Warriors, sleep well; for ye have earned your rest.

‘That Jerusalem which is above is free: which is our mother.’—Gal. iv. 26.