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John Clare: The Midsummer Cushion

Edited by R. K. R. Thornton & Anne Tibble

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Of all the fine lasses Ive led down the dance
Ive neer seen her equal at all
If ye search all the towns between London & France
Theres none like the maid of the Hall
Deckd out like a lady above all the rest
She looked like the queen of the ball
& all the young ploughmen that saw her confest
Twas a beauty that came from the Hall
Her feet stept so graceful so airy & gay
& so true to the fiddle did fall
To see but her dancing twould win ye to say
Theres none like the maid of the Hall
Her speech is so proper so fine & polite
Not a word in her talk she'll miscall
The clowns all concieted who saw her that night
Twas the Lady herself from the Hall
I feign would have begged her my sweetheart to be
But I feared that my chance would be small
So many agreed in opinion with me
That the finest lass came from the Hall
She shewed such good humour & prattled so free
We fancied she loved but us all
We knew not behaviour from courtship not we
Which distinguished the maid of the Hall
I once thought on paper my suit to appeal
& to send her a letter withall
But ignorance then would my meaness reveal
& disgrace the fair maid of the Hall
I once thought of telling my passion outright
But then if a word I'd let fall
So vulgar it would have been sport for the night
& ashamed the fair maid of the Hall
& as I do love her & win her I can t
I'll entice her with nothing at all


As to come at her love all beside it I want
Heres adieu to the maid of the Hall