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When I think of him, comes gliding
A perfume strange, abiding,
Of a flower I saw when riding
One summer night
In the Dolomite
When stars did all the guiding.
Earth shone an ice-cold planet
With never an eye to scan it
And no God's breath to man it,
And below me fell
Heights, sheer to hell,
One gloomy wall of granite.
Dismounted, I leaned over
And the dim chasm did discover
Far down, where eagles hover,
On a footless place
In the precipice-face
Sky-coloured flowers, in clover.
As I gazed down, fear-dissembling,
Their moon-lit bells, assembling
Azure virgins, resembling
Exquisite dancers,
Waved me up answers
Out of that gulf of trembling.


So 'mid inhuman splendour
Chaotic, bleak, untender
To all that skies engender
In giddy air
These poems rare
Do flutter, wild and slender.