University of Virginia Library



(From the Ottoman.)

Medreamt I was in Paradise, and there, a-drinking wine,
I saw our Father Adam, with his flowing golden hair—
O, Father! was my greeting, my heart is faint with care;
Tell me, tell me, are the Mooslemin of Aälya sons of thine?
But the Noble Senior frowned, and his wavy golden hair
Grew black as clouds at Evening, when thunder thrills the air.
No! the Mooslemin of Aälya I disown for sons of mine!
Then methought I wept and beat my breast, and begged of him a sign,
O, swear it Father Adam! So, dilating out, he sware—
If the Mooslemin of Aälyastan be kith or kin of mine
Let dust for ever darken the glory of my hair!