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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Hay now the day dallis]

Hay now the day dallis,
Now Christ on vs callis,
Now welth on our wallis,
Apperis anone:
Now the word of God Regnis,
Quhilk is King of all Kingis.
Now Christis flock singis,
The nicht is neir gone.
Wo be vnto ȝow Hypocritis,
That on the Lord sa loudlie leis,
And all for to fill ȝour foule belleis.
Ȝe ar nocht of Christis blude nor bone.
For ȝe preiche ȝour awin dremis,
And sa the word of God Blasphemis,
God wat sa weill it semis,
The nicht is neir gone.
Wo be to ȝow Pharesians,
That Regnis ȝit lyke hir Capitanis
And baldis Christis men in mony panis.
Richt cairfull is thair mone:
I traist till God ȝe sall {l}eir by it,


Becaus ȝour falset is now spyit,
And all Christin men sall cryit,
The nicht is neir gone.
Wo be to ȝow Paip and Cardinall,
I traist to God ȝe sall get ane fall.
With Monkis, Preistis, and Freiris all
That traistis nocht in God allone:
For all ȝour greit Pomp and pryde.
The word of God ȝe sall nocht hyde,
Nor ȝit till vs na mair be gyde,
The nicht is neir gone.
Ȝe gart vs trow in stock and stone,
That thay wald help mony one,
And nocht till traist in God allone,
I say ȝe leit euerie one:
I war Sanct Peter, nor Sanct Paule,
Nor ȝit na Sanct can saif ȝour Saule,
Thocht mony lesingis mak mony braull,
The nicht is neir gone.
Ȝe serue to strickin be with roddis,
Because of Idolis ȝe mak Goddis,
For all ȝour Ioukis and ȝour noddis,
Ȝour hartis is hard as ony stone.
Ȝe will nocht leif ȝour Hypocrisie
Bot ȝour desyris is ay for to lie,
And the Feind away with ȝow wald flie,
The nicht is neir gone.
Ȝe begylit vs with ȝour undis,
Schawand ȝour relykis and ȝour ruddis,


To pluk fra vs pure men our gudis,
Ȝe schaw vs the heid of Sanct Iohne,
With the arme of Sanct Geill,
To rottin banis ȝe gart vs kneill,
And sauit vs from neck to heill,
The nicht is neir gone.
Requiem eternam fast thay patter,
Befoir the deid with haly watter,
The lawit folkis trowis the heuin will clatter
Thay sing with sic deuotioun.
Ȝe say that Saule ȝe sall gar sanct,
Bot and the money war neuer sa scant,
Ane penny of ȝont wage ȝe will nocht want,
The nicht is ueir gone.
Syne to ȝow we mon offer,
Pundis and penneis furth of our Loffer
And lay it downe vpon the Alter
For the deid of that one.
Anime omnium ȝe will say,
Syne cast the Corps into the clay
Than haue ȝe done all that ȝe may
Now the nicht is neir gone.