University of Virginia Library

The thyrde encheason, is to our vnderstandynge
Why euery man dredeth deathes cōmynge
For all thynge shall be shewed and sene
Both good, euyll, foule, and also clene
And there ben rehersed, as the boke telleth ryght
Bytwene foule fendes, and Aungelles bryght
Than shall they despute there, all our lyfe
With great sorowe, both care and stryfe
For in the same tyme, all thynge shall be knowen
And in the same day, nothynge ben hydden
But onely synne, that is clensed here
And all good dedes done in good manere
Than shall we all there, both here and se
All maner pryuyties, that euer wrought we
And therfore God sayeth in his Gospell
In the same maner, that I wyll you tell.