University of Virginia Library



Seek not to walk by borrowed light,
But keep unto thine own:
Do what thou doest with thy might,
And trust thyself alone!
Work for some good, nor idly lie
Within the human hive;
And though the outward man should die,
Keep thou the heart alive!
Strive not to banish pain and doubt,
In pleasure's noisy din;
The peace thou seekest for without
Is only found within.
If fortune disregard thy claim,
By worth, her slight attest;
Nor blush and hang the head for shame
When thou hast done thy best.
What thy experience teaches true,
Be vigilant to heed;
The wisdom that we suffer to,
Is wiser than a creed.
Disdain neglect, ignore despair,
On loves and friendships gone
Plant thou thy feet, as on a stair,
And mount right up and on!