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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Was born in Halifax county, Virginia, April 18, 1829. He is of Welsh
descent, the Winston family settling in Bristol, Connecticut, where his
grandfather died. His father, Roma Winston, was born in Connecticut,
in 1800, removed to Virginia, and died in 1834. His mother, whose
maiden name was Saloma Heckman, died in 1875. On October 16,
1855, Rev. Wm. H. Kinckle officiating, J. H. C. Winston married Martha
J., daughter of A. Winston, and sister of the wife of Senator E. J.
Folkes. She was born in Lynchburg, February 29, 1832. They have
nine children, all living in Lynchburg, Edgar R., Sallie F., John A.,
Eunice D., William F., Irene M., Joseph H., Paulina C., Kate E. and
have buried three children: Effie, born July 4, 1856, died October 23,
1859; Annie T., born in 1860, died in 1862; Mamie, born in 1878,
died in 1884. Mr. Winston entered the Confederate States Army in
March, 1862, Company D, 19th Battery, Virginia Heavy Artillery, rank
of Second Lieutenant, and was promoted First Lieutenant in July,
1862. He was in service till close of war, and took part in a number
of skirmishes but no regular battles, the battery attached to Custis
Lee's division at close of war. Mr. Winston came to Lynchburg in
1852, and was in the employ of A. Winston, furniture business until
1858, when he went into the same business with J. L. Winston. From
1859 until he went into the army was in business for himself, and in
1865 resumed the business. In 1868 removed to Snowville, Pulaski
county, Virginia. In 1872 returned to Lynchburg, and again took up
the furniture business, which he has continued to date. The firm,
manufacturers and dealers in furniture at 620 and 622 Main street, is
now J. H. C. Winston, Son & McGehee, the second son, John A., having
entered into partnership in 1884, and Mr. McGehee in 1887.