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From Foreign Commissioners and Exhibitors at Philadelphia International Exhibition,

Great Britain: Sulphur from alkali waste; carbonate soda by ammonia process; soaps;
dyes (aurine, etc.); preserved food; safety matches.

Canada: Pemmican, and moss bread of British Columbia Indians; oolachon oil.

New South Wales: Sugar; indigo from New Caledonia.

Victoria: Essential oils of different species of eucalyptus.

Tasmania: Oil of eucalyptus globulus (blue gum); gum of Oyster Bay pine.

New Zealand: New Zealand flax (phormium tenax), and cloth from same.

Jamaica: Coffee leaves prepared as tea; rum (colourless and coloured); bamboo paper
stock; gouina wood.

France: Ferro-manganese; coal-tar dyes and phenol and aniline derivatives; orcine,
resorcine and eosine; dyes of Croissant and Bretonnière; vegetable colours for confectioners'
use; essential oils; violet, tuberose, &c., extracts of unusual strength; perfumed
paraffin; French army ration and other forms of preserved food; wines;
brandy; sugar (beet-root).

Belgium: Carbonate and bi-carbonate soda by ammonia process; coal-tar dyes.

Holland: Glucose; oil of maize; beet-root sugar.

Java, Celebes, &c. (Dutch colonies): Gutta percha; indigo; tripang; edible bird's-nests;
oils of mace, cajeput, macassar, tekawang; benzoin; tabasheer; cultivated cinchona
barks and alkaloids therefrom; arrack; tobacco; sugar.

Luxembourg: Vinegars.

Denmark: Aniline varnish for tinplate, &c.

Sweden: Filtering paper.

Norway: Sulphate of ammonia; perfumery.

Russia: Beet-root sugars; cotton from Samarcand.

Germany: Raw chemicals (sodium bi-vanadate, yttrium platino-cyanide, azobenzole,
&c.); lignite and paraffin from same; leonic wares of Nürnberg; violet ultramarine;
grape sugar; coniferine, artificial vanilline and vanillic acid; artificial oils
of bitter almonds and black mustard; cryst. chloral hydrate; paper parchment cases
for Erbswurst.

Austria: Crude and refined potash from wool grease; artificial alizarine, anthraquinone,
&c.; Styrian and Hungarian wines.

Switzerland: Coal-tar colours, resorcine, phthalic acid, &c.

Italy: Wines, oil of grape seeds; olive oil soaps; essential oils of aurantiaceae; fine
raw silk; fine dressed hemp.

Spain: Wines; sugar; ornamental wax candles; soaps; madder preparations; essential
oils; orange-flower water; specs from mercury production at Almaden; rock salt.

Spanish Colonies (Philippine Isles, Cuba, Puerto Rico): Sugars; coco-nut and other
fixed oils; rare perfumes (ylang-ylang, sampaguita, &c.); cotton, pina, bombax,
and other fibres; alcohol of coco-nut, nipa palm, pomegranate, etc.; cochineals;

Portugal: Ornamented wax candles; soap; solar salt; wines.

Portuguese Colonies (Madeira, Angola, etc.): Wines; copal; other resins and gums;
indian rubber; indigo; colouring lichens; tobacco; fibres.


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Turkey: Otto of rose; other essential oils; opium; scammony, mastic; Persian berries;
wax candles; soap; Latakia tobacco.

Egypt: Silk cocoons; haschish.

Tunis: Henna; otto of rose, jasmine, &c.; perfumed waters; soap.

Liberia: Palm nuts and kernels; palm oil and palm kernel oil; palm oil soap; wild
coffee; camwood; indigo.

China: Sam-shoo (rice spirit); "brick" tea; sugars; native opium; camellia oil; Indian
inks; silk cocoons; vermillion.

Japan: Saki (rice wine); vegetable wax, and candles of same; raw and prepared lacquer;
yeno-abura oil; shark-liver oil; soap; Indian inks; indigo.

Hawaian Islands: Sugar cane; sugars.

Argentine Republic: Tasajo (jerked beef); dyes; hesperidina; lapachic acid and
derivatives (from Tecoma, sp.)

Brazil: Cotton and other fibres; gums; resins; fat oils; varnishes; sugars; maté;
guarana; laranghina; ilicina; caju wine; wine and spirit from cane-juice; nhandiroba;
caoutchouc of Mangabeira; dyes; silk-worms; cocoons and raw silk.

Venezuela; Gums; resins; dyes; turtle oil; milk of cow tree; isinglass; fine tobacco.

Mexico: Sugars; vanilla; indigo; perfumes (Lignaloes, toronjil, etc.); wax of myrica
Jalapensis and candles from same; maguey fibre; wild silk.

From American exhibitors at Philadelphia:

J. &. J. Miller & Co., Boston: Tanners' extracts.

W. F. Nye, New Bedford: Fine lubricating oils for clocks and watches.

Charles Pratt & Co., New York: Petroscene (from petroleum).

George Mather's Sons, New York: Fine black writing inks.

Sand-Blast Company, New York: Sand-blast engraving on glass from chromated gelatine

Hyde, Bros & Swift, New York; Oil for tanners' use.

J. H. Heald & Co.: Chestnut oak bark.

American Fusee Company: Safety matches.

F. S. Pease, Buffalo, N. Y.: Tallow oil; lard oil; chronometer oil.

Condit, Hanson & Co., Newark, N. J.; Ammonio-sulphate nickel (for nickel-plating.)

Robinson & Pratt, Philadelphia: Coloured printing inks.

William Dreydoppel, Philadelphia: Borax soap.

Arthur P. Baer & Co., Baltimore: Chestnut oak extract (for tanners' use).

Kokosing Oil Company, Ohio: Lamp-black from natural marsh gas of gas wells.

M. F. Maury, Esq., Director West Virginia Exhibition: Bittern, from Kanawha Salt
Company's furnaces.

J. L. Stevenson, Nevada Quartz Mill: gold and silver ores (for assay by students) from
California, Consol. Virginia, Ophir and Belcher Mines.

From other sources.

Dr. W. Simon, Baltimore Chrome Works, Baltimore: Fine mass of crystallized bichromate

St. George Bryan, Esq., University of Virginia: Products of working of asbestos, for
roofing, &c.


Messrs. Danner & Newman, Woodstock, Va.: An improved two-horse plough.