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28 IVNIJ 1620. A Generall Quarter Courte held in the fforenoone at mr Ferrars house the xxviijts of Ivne 1620
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28 IVNIJ 1620.
A Generall Quarter Courte held in the fforenoone
at mr Ferrars house the xxviijts of Ivne 1620


ye Right Honoɫe  The Lord Pagett. 
Sr Edwin Sandys Ther̃r. 
Sr Iohn Dauers. 
mr Wroth, mr Gibbes. 
mr Palauacine. 
mr Iohn Ferrar Depty
mr Tomlynℯ. 
mr Reignoldℯ. 


mr Iohn Smith.  mr Oxenbrige.  mr Bromfeild.  mr Essington. 
Captaine Nuse.  Capt Brewster.  mr Berblock.  mr Briggs. 
mr Robt: Smith.  mr Caswell.  mr Bull.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Nich: Ferrar.  mr Robertℯ  mr Swinhowe. 
mr Wrote. 
mr Palmer. 
mr Newporte. 
mr Cuffe with others. 

A Charter p̱ty beinge read for establishinge of Deputies for ye Colledge
and this Compa: & for ye Secretaries place was well liked and agreed
to be ingrossed.

a Charter party.

Addic̃on of Counsellors

mr Thr̃er declaringe the necessitie of some such to be added to the
Counsell as were cheiflie to give attendance att the Courts, signified
of a pap̱ putt into his handℯ wch recomended vnto him certaine Gen-
tlemen, and Cittizens who for there worth and extraordinary paines
well merited that place if the Court should approve therof vizd: The
Lord Haughton, Sr Edward Sackuill, mr Sam: Wrote, mr Tho: Keight-
ley [130] mr Tho: Sheppard, mr Robert Smith, mr Dr: Winstone, and
mr Dr: Gulstone, wch was referred as all other things now agreed of to
the Confirmac̃on of the afternoone.

Vppon notice from Sr George Yeardley yt the Councellors in Virginia
must needs be supplyed, the Court hath now chosen mr Thorpe, mr
Nuse, mr Pountus, mr Tracy, mr Dauid Middleton, and mr Bluett to
be of the Councell of Estate in Virginia.

Supply of Coun-
cellors in Virginia

Wheras itt is agreed that a Ship shall presentlie be sent wth 120: Per-
sons and that a warr̃nt should be made to the Officer of the Lottery
for paymt of 2000li: to the Comittee for their better securitie for wch
they are to accompt for the warrant beinge now putt to the Question
was ratefied.

Bona Noua a war-
r̃nt for paymt of


And wheras allso 3d a pound for the fraught of the Magazine Tobacco
was offered to mr Wiseman if hee would touch att Virginia and take
itt in mr Thr̃er offered that for bearinge p̱t of the charge of this Ship
if the Adventurers thought good they would vndertake itt att that
price, wch the Adventurers p̢sent assented vnto beinge putt to the

Magazine Tobacco
att iijdli fraught.

The Courte was enformed of mr Iames Bagg of Plymouth who hath
divers times taken great paines for the Company and layd out much
monney as appeareth by his Accompts well approved by the Auditors
and may herafter allso pleasure them in divers kindes and therfore
to gratefie him hee maie have some land given him; Whervppon itt
was agreed to be putt to the question whether hee should have fower
shares or five wch by erecc̃on of hands was ordered to be five.

5 Shares giuen to
mr Iames Bagg

A petic̃on exhibited by mr Wrote and mr Berblock concerninge the
Companies suite against mr Wye being read was allowed agreeinge itt
should be sealled by the Counsellℯ Seale and signed by the Secretary.

Touchinge the
sute against mr

Wheras three standinge lawes were the last Courte presented to be
read accordinge to order from the Comittee and Counsell, Mr Thr̃er
signified that there was a mistake of a clause in one of them beinge
a standinge Law allreadie enacted formerly as well and rather better
then this Whervppon this clause was agreed to be lefte oute.

mistake of a clause
in one of ye stand-
inge Orders.

Itt was agreed vppon the moc̃on of the last Courte that the standinge
Orders shall presentlie be putt in printe and annexed to a booke
newlie come out by order from the Counsell, wch booke shalbe given
to everie one of the Courte this afternoone.[457]

Standinge Orders
to be putt in

Mr Thr̃er signified that hee acquainted the last Courte of surrendringe
Southampton Pattent and takinge a new one this day butt itt was
not redie and therfore itt should be deferred till the next Quarter
Courte. [131]

Southampton Pat-


Hee morouer reported that Sr Ferdinando Weynman adventuringe
100li: wth the Lord Lawarr (besides the adventure of his p̱son) who
dyed there and leavinge one only Childe behinde him a daughter;
hee had receaved a ɫre: from the Ladie Lawarr that shee was content
to deduct itt from her Laps: accompts that itt might be assigned vnto
her, wch the Courte well allowed referringe the rest vnto the Audi-
tors: And have further agreed to allow vnto her for the adventure of
his p̱son beinge a man of that worth 4 shares wch was confirmed by
erecc̃on of hands.

Sr Ferdi: Wenman
adventur 100li al-
lowed vppon Acco:
to his daughter &
4 shares giuen
vnto her.

Frauncis Carter assigned 2 shares to mr Tobye Palavicine wch was
allowed by the Auditors and confirmed by the Courte.

2 shares to mr
Toby Palauicine.

Iohn Gray vppon the like approbac̃on assigned two shares to mr
Richard Baynam of London Goldsmith.

2 shares to mr

A petic̃on was exhibited by the Executors of mr Christopher Lawne
to have the fraught given them of such goods as are now returned
beinge 800 weight of Tobacco; The Courte not houldinge itt requisite
for president sake to allowe the fraught: butt in regard of the great
charge and losse, the said mr Lawne hath been putt vnto and sus-
teyned in his pryvate Plantac̃on, itt is agreed to allow him the passage
of 2 men wch they esteeme to be xijli and to discount the passage of
her Childe wch is alleaged the Cape Marchant was payd for, Nottwth-
standinge that itt dyed before itt was shipt.

Executors of
Christo: Lawne al-
lowed for ye pas-
sage of 2: men.

Certaine Articles beinge preferred by the Societie of Martinℯ Hun-
dred being read p̱t of them were allowed of and the rest aunswered.

Martinℯ Hundred.

Mr Iohn Zouch his Pattent for a p̱ticularr Plantac̃on was now read
and approved.

Mr Io: Zouch his


This is the book cited on page 286.