University of Virginia Library


Hymn 40.

[O that I could]

O that I could
Cast all my load
Of guilt and grief and care
On the sin-atoning God,
Who hangs expiring there!
O that my mind
On Him reclined,
Till all these storms are o'er,
Might abiding comfort find,
And disbelieve no more!
Thou slaughter'd Lamb,
If Thine I am,
Fulfil my heart's desire,
Blow the spark into a flame,
And set me all on fire.
Look from the tree,
As when for me
Thou didst the death endure:
Let Thy blood the medicine be,
And all my sickness cure.
Pity my grief,
And look relief,
The worst of sinners spare;
Saviour of the dying thief,
Regard my latest prayer.


Regard Thy own,
Repeat 'Tis done,
Declare my sins forgiven,
Ransom'd by Thy mortal groan
Receive me up to heaven.