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Hymn 37.

God of almighty love,
By whose sufficient grace
I lift my heart to things above,
And humbly seek Thy face;
Through Jesus Christ the Just
My faint desires receive,
And let me in Thy goodness trust,
And to Thy glory live.
Whate'er I speak, or do,
Thy glory be my aim:
My offerings all are offer'd through
The ever-blessed name:
Jesus, my single eye
Is fix'd on Thee alone,
Thy name be praised on earth, on high,
Thy will by all be done.
Spirit of grace, inspire
My consecrated heart,
Fill me with pure celestial fire,
With all Thou hast, or art:
My feeble mind transform,
And perfectly renew'd
Into a saint exalt a worm,
A worm exalt to God.