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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee.”— Isa. liv. 8.

Father, I thank Thee that the cloud
When reached becomes an open gate
For mightier motions, and the shroud
With these is incommensurate;
That time is just the varied web
Whereof I weave a vesture fit,
Which though its earthly portion ebb
Shall mingle with the Infinite.
I thank Thee that in no event
And no attainment ever won,
I may achieve a true content
Or feel my endless work is done;
That I must gaze with loftier look
At each new turn on something more,
And still turn pages in the book
Of blessing and its heavenly lore.
I thank Thee for the friendly thorn
Which now forbids my heart to rest
In lesser light than perfect morn,
Which is the sunshine of Thy Breast;
That whatsoe'er befalls the flesh
Faith can be fettered by no bond,
Or faileth to be born afresh
And find far higher heavens beyond.