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Vice's Entreaty.

Oh but this once, and then, for aye, adieu
To all that's opposite to virtue's call!
Oh but this once, and then the path pursue
In which man walk'd before the fatal fall.
Youth's sun yet shines in his meridian height—
Repent before you die the soul will save;
None, but who latterly the ransom slight,
Shall sink despairing in the gloomy grave.
The Saviour's blood, profuse, for man was shed;
And man was form'd to enjoy his state;
Then why the clemency of heaven dread?
Or frown beneath th' Omnipotence of fate?
'Tis as thy life the cordial cup to taste,
Which vivifies and brightens every power;
Then dally not, time's fleeting hours to waste,
But seize with rapture sense's blooming flower.
Thus spake the traitor, and the list'ning youth
Unto the base remonstrance lent an ear;
And deem'd the counsel the behest of truth—
So in the mire of guilt plunged, void of fear.