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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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Prithee what hath snared thee, Heart?
Is it, say, a honeyed lip
O'er whose coral bloom thy thought,
Bee-like hovering, hath been caught,
And, but loitering there to sip,
From its sweetness could not part?
Prithee what hath snared thee, Heart?
What hath caught thee, Fancy mine?
Is it, say, a laughing eye,
The fair heaven of whose blue
Idly thou went'st wandering through,
Till thou, silly butterfly,
Could'st not quit its charm'd sunshine?
What hath caught thee, Fancy mine?
What hath witch'd thee, sober Thought!
Say, was it a diamond wit
That, as thou wast straying near,
With its spells so took thine ear,
That thou could'st not fly from it,
All in strange enchantment caught?
What hath witch'd thee, sober Thought?
No, though lip and wit, awhile,
And the glory of an eye,
You, perchance, had captive held,
Soon their charms you back had spell'd,
Soon their witchery learn'd to fly;
Prisoners to her smile ye be;
What from that shall set you free?