University of Virginia Library

An Epitaph Written on the Tomb of Mary, Wife of Tho. Ingram, of Temple Newsham, in the County of York Esq; dying in the Birth of two Children,

Oct. 2. 1656.


With reverence approach this Tomb
Here lies, a Pattern for the Times to come


The Glorious envy of her Sex, where all
Graces and virtues were habitual.
A Wife as one would wish! be this her Pride!
She ne're displeas'd her husband till she dy'd.
To shew her Womb uncurst a double-birth
Gave fruit at once to heaven, & to earth,
But heaven was their centre, deeming meet
The swathing linnen for their Winding-sheet,
The Mother, loth to stay behind, but knew
Her infants parted, and departed too
Triumphs, and Halelujahs! heaven's possest
By Mary, with a Babe at either Breast!
They were too good for this World—
Here they lye.
Children and Heirs to all Eternity.