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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymn C. For one delivered from deserved Shame.
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Hymn C. For one delivered from deserved Shame.


Jt is not one of the least Mercies to be delivered from open Shame, as appears by those, who have heaped one Sin upon another, and at last laid violent hands on themselves, to avoid Shame. Therefore, we ought to be more thankfull for this Favour, and to remember us thereof, this Hymn is tendred.

Sing this as the 25. Psalme.


Had not, oh Lord, thy Grace,
Vouchsafe'd my Vaile to be,
Shame and confusion of my Face,
Had overwhelmed me.
For, though thy Mercies hid
The Follies, I have wrought;
I do confesse, those things I did
Which me to Shame had brought.


For, sometimes, all alone,
Sometimes, with others, too
Those wicked things, by me are done,
Which few suspect I do.
Nay, otherwhile, perchance,
Of Crimes I guiltie am,
Where by, my credit I advance,
Whil'st others bear the blame.



Just cause have I to grieve
That by my secret Sin,
I those deceive, who do believe
My hands have cleaner bin.
And, though my Fault none know;
Thereat I am so griev'd;
That, I the Shame could undergo,
From Guilt, to be repriev'd.


But, doubtles, to reveal
What thou do'st overpasse;
And, what thy Mercy doth conceal,
Were to despise thy Grace.
Therefore, I doe accept,
(With meek, and thankfull heart)
The Credit, thou for me hast kept,
Beyond my due Desart.


And for thy Favour-sake
Vouchsaf'd, in this to me;
I will more heed, hereafter, take
How, clear I ought to be.
Oh! help me to fulfill,
This purpose of my mind;
And, though I fail to do thy Will,
Lord, fail not to be kind.