University of Virginia Library


CLII. Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.


O moder mylde, mayde vndefylde,
Thatte we so wylde be notte begylde
And euere exylde fro Crist and hys,
Ora pro nobis.


O quene of grace most fayre of face
Of alle solace ledyng the trace,
Off the highe place thatte we nott mys,
Ora pro nobis.


O lady fre off highe degre,
Thatte we may se thy sone and the
And euer to be, where alle ioy ys,
Ora pro nobis.


Thatte Crist us sende grace to amende
Oure tyme myspende, or we hense wende,
And atte oure ende to graunte us blys
Ora pro nobis.