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The Poetical Works of John Skelton

principally according to the edition of the Rev. Alexander Dyce. In three volumes

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To mastres Margaret Tylney.

I you assure,
Ful wel I know
My besy cure
To yow I owe;
Humbly and low
Commendynge me
To yowre bownte.
As Machareus
Fayre Canace,
So I, iwus,
Endeuoure me
Your name to se
It be enrolde,
Writtin with golde.
Phedra ye may
Wele represent;
Intentyfe ay
And dylygent,


No tyme myspent;
Wherfore delyght
I haue to whryght
Of Margarite,
Perle orient,
Lede sterre of lyght,
Moche relucent;
Madame regent
I may you call
Of vertues all.