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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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[Passus secundus de dowel, &c.]

Þenne hedde wit A wyf was hoten dam Studie,
Þat [lene was of lich] and of louh chere.
Heo was wonderliche wroþ þat wit me þus tauhte,
And al starinde Dam Studie steorneliche seide,
“Wel artou witti,” quod heo “wisdom to telle
To Fayturs or to Fooles þat Frentik ben of wittes!”
And Blamede him for his Beere And Bad him beo stille
Wiþ suche wyse wordes to wisse eny fooles.
And seide, “Noli mittere Margeri perles
Among hogges þat han hawes at heore wille;
Þei don bot drauele þeron draf weore hem leuere
Þen al þe presciouse Peerles þat in paradys waxen.
I sigge hit bi þulke,” quod heo “þat bi heore werkes schewen
Þat hem weore leuere lond and lordschupe on eorþe,
Richesse, Rentes or Reste at heore wille
Þen Al þe soþ sawes þat Salamon seide euere.


Wisdam and wit nou is not worþ a Russche
But hit beo [cardet] with Couetise as cloþers doþ heor wolle,
Þat Conterfeteþ disseites and Conspiret wronges,
And ledeþ forþ A loueday to lette þe treweþe;
Þat suche craftes cunnen to counseil beoþ I-clept,
And ben serued as syres þat serueþ þe deuel.
Iob þe Ientel in his Ieestes seide,

Quare via impiorum prosperatur, bene est omnibus qui praue et inique agunt?

Ac he þat holy writ haþ euer in his mouþe,
And con tellen of Tobie And þe Twelue Apostles,
And prechen of þe penaunce þat Pilatus wrouhte
To Iesu þe Ientil þat Iewes to-drowe
On Cros vppon Caluarie as Clerkes vs telleþ;—
Luytel is he loued or leten bi þat such a lessun Redeþ,
Or Daunseled or Drawen forþ þis Disours witen þe soþe;
For ȝif Harlotrie ne Holpe hem þe bet (haue God my soule!)
More þen Musyk or Makyng of Crist,
Wolde neuer kyng ne kniht ne Canoun of Seynt poules
Ȝeuen hem to heore ȝeres-ȝiue þe value of a grote!
Bote Munstralsye and Murþe A-Mong Men is nouþe;
Lecherie and losengrie and loseles tales,
And geten gold with grete oþes beoþ gamus nou A dayes.


But ȝif þei Carpen of Crist (þis Clerkes and þis lewede)
Atte Mete in heor Murþe whon Munstrals beoþ stille,
Þenne telleþ þei of þe Trinite hou two slowen þe þridde,
And Bringeþ forþ Ballede Resouns tak Bernard to witnesse,
And puyteþ forþ presumpciun to preue þe soþe.
Þus þei drauelen on heore deys þe Deite to knowe,
And demeþ God in-to þe gorge whon heore Gottus follen.
But Carful Mon may crien and clepen atte ȝate
Boþe of hungur and of þurst and for chele quake;
Nis no Mon him neih his nuy to Amende,
Bote honesschen him as an hound and hoten him go þennes!
Luyte loueþ he þat lord þat leneþ him þat Blisse,
Þat þus parteþ with þe pore A parcel whon him neodeþ.
Neore Merci In Mene Men More þen in Riche,
Wiþ Mony defauti Meeles Mihte þei go to bedde.
God is muche in þe gorge of þeose grete Maystres,
Bote A-Mong Mene Men his Merci and his werkes;
And so seiþ þe psauter sech hit In “Memento,”

Ecce Audiuimus eam in effrata, inuenimus [eam] in campis silue.

Clerkes and kete men Carpen of God ofte,


And han him muche in heore Mouþ bote Mene men in herte.
Freres and Faytors han founden suche questions
To plese with þis proude men seþþe pestilence tyme;
Þei de-Foulen vre Fey at Festes þer þei sitten.
For nou is vche Boye Bold Broþel an oþer,
To talken of þe Trinite to beon holden A syre,
And fyndeþ forþ fantasyes vr feiþ to Apeyre;
And eke de-Fameþ þe Fader þat vs alle made,
And Craken aȝeyn þe Clergie Crabbede wordes.
‘Whi wolde God vr saueour suffre such a worm
In such a wrong wyse þe wommon to bi-gyle?
Boþe hir hosebonde and heo to helle þorw him wenten,
And heore seed for þat sunne þe same wo drien.’
Suche Motyues þei meuen þis Maistres in heor glorie,
And makeþ Men Misbileeue þat [musen on] heore wordes.
But Austin þe Olde for alle suche precheþ,
And for suche tale tellers such a teeme scheweþ,

Non plus sapere quam oportet sapere.

Þis wilneþ ȝe neuer to wite whi þat God wolde
Soffre Sathan his sed to bi-gyle;


But leeueþ on þat lore þat lereþ holichirche,
And preye him of pardoun and penaunce in þi lyue,
And for his muchele Merci to amenden vs heere.
For alle þat wilneþ [to wite þe] weyes of god Almihti,
I wolde his eȝe weore in his ers and his heele aftur;
Þat euer eft Wilneþ to wite whi þat God wolde
Soffre Sathan his seed to bi-gyle,
Or Iudas þe Ieuȝ Iesu bi-traye;
Al was as he wolde lord, I-heried be þou!
And al [worþ] as þou wolt what so we tellen!
And nou comeþ a Conioun and wolde cacchen of [my] wittes,
What is Dowel from Dobet! nou daffe mot he worþe,
[Siþen] he wilneþ to wite whuche þei ben alle!
Bote he liue in þe leste degre þat longeþ to Dowel,
I dar ben his borw þat Dobet nul he neuere,
Þauȝ Dobest drawe on him day aftur oþur.”
And whon þat wit was I-war hou his wyf tolde,
He bi-com so confoundet he couþe not [mele],
And as doumbe as a dore drouȝ him asyde.
Bote for no Craft þat I couþe ne knelyng to grounde,
I mihte gete no greyn of [his] grete wittes,
But al lauȝwhinge he loutede and lokede vppon Studie,
In signe þat I schulde bi-sechen hire of grace.


And whon I wuste of his wil to his wyf con I knele,
And seide, “Merci, Madame, ȝoure mon schal I [worþe],
To worchen ȝoure wille while my lyf dureþ;
[Kenne] me kuyndely to knowen what Is Dowel.”
“For þi Mekenesse, Mon,” quod heo “and for þi Milde speche,
I schal [kenne] þe to my Cosyn þat Clergye is I-hoten.
He haþ wedded a wyf wiþ-Inne þis wikes sixe,
Is sib to þe seuen Ars þat scripture is I-nempnet;
Þei two, as Ich hope after my be-sechyng,
Schul wisse þe to Dowel I dar vndertake.”
Þenne was I as Fayn as Foul on feir morwen,
Gladdore þen þe gleo-Mon is of his grete ȝiftes,
And askede hire þe heiȝe wey wher Clergye dwelleþ,
“And tel me sum tokne to him for tyme is þat I wende.”
“I schal teche þe þe heiȝe wey,” quod heo “from hennes to soffre-
Boþe-weole-and-wo ȝif þat þou wolt leorne,
And Ryd forþ bi Richesse Reste þe nouȝt þer-Inne;
For ȝif þou Couple þe to him to Clergie comestou neuere.
And eke þe longe launde þat Lecherie hette,
Leue him on þi luft half A large myle or more,
Forte þou come to a Court kep-wel-þi-tonge-
From-lesynges-and-lyȝeres-speche- and-lykerous-drinke.
Þenne schaltou seo Sobre And Symple-of-speche,


Þat [eche wyȝt] beo in wil his wit þe to schewe.
So schalt þou come to Clergye þat con mony þinges;
Sei him þis [signe] þat I sette him to scole,
And þat I grette wel his wyf for I wrot hire a Bulle,
And sette hire to sapience and to hire psauter I-gloset.
Lo! logyk I lered hire and al þe lawe after,
And alle Musons In Musyk I made hire to knowe.
Plato þe Poyete I put him furste to Boke,
Aristotle and oþer mo to Arguen I tauȝte;
Gramer for [gurles] I gon furste to write,
And Beot hem wiþ a Baleys But ȝif þei wolde lernen.
Of alle Maner Craftus I con Counterfeten heor tooles,
Of Carpunters and keruers; I [kende] furst Masouns,
And lered hem liuel and lyne þauȝ I loke dimme.
Bote Teologye haþ teoned me ten score tymes;
For þe more I [muse] þeron þe [mistiloker] hit semeþ,
And þe deppore I diuinede þe [derkore] me þouȝte.
Hit is no science forsoþe to sotilen þer-Inne,
Ncore þe loue þat lyhþ þerinne a lewed þing hit weore.
Bote for hit [let] best bi loue I leeue hit þe betere;


For þat loue is þe lord þat lakkede neuer grace;
Leef wel þer-vppon ȝif þou þenke Dowel;
For Dobet and Dobest beoþ drawen of [loue] scole.
In oþer science hit seiþ seo hit in Catoun,

Qui simulat verbis, nec corde est [fidus] Amicus, [Tu quoque fac simile, sic ars deluditur arte.]

But Theologie techeþ not so hose takeþ kepe,
He [kenneþ] us þe contrarie aȝeyn Catons wordes,
And biddeþ [vs] ben as Breþeren and Blessen vr enemys,
And louen hem þat lyȝen on vs lellyche at heor neode,
And do good aȝeyn vuel; God him-self hoteþ,
And seide hit him-self In ensaumple for þe beste,

Necesse est vt veniant scandala.

Bote Astronomye is hard þing and vuel to knowe,
Gemetrie and Gemensye is gynful of speche,
Þat worcheþ with þeose þreo þriueþ he late,
For sorcerye Is þe souereyn [bok þat to þat science longiþ,
Ȝet arn þere febicchis of Forellis] of mony mennes wittes.
Experimentis of Alconomye Of Alberdes makynge,
Nigromancye and perimancie þe pouke to Rise makeþ;


Ȝif þou þenche Dowel dele with hem neuere.
Alle þeose sciences siker, I my-seluen
Haue I-founded hem furst folk to deceyue.
I be-take þe to crist,” quod heo “I con teche þe no betere.”
I seide, “graunt Merci, Madame” And Mekeliche hire grette,
And wente forþ on my wei withouten more lettynge,
And fond as heo fore-tolde and forþ gon I wende,
And ar I coome to clergye couþe I neuer stunte.
I grette þe goode mon as þe gode wyf me tauȝte,
And afterward his wyf I worschupet hem boþe,
And tolde hire þe tokenes þat me I-tauȝt were.
Was neuer gome vppon grounde seþþen God made heuene,
Feirore vndurfonge ne frendloker maad at ese,
Þen I my-self soþli so sone as heo wuste
Þat I was of wittes hous and with his wif Dam Studie.
Curteisliche Clergye Clupte me and Custe,
And asked hou wit ferde and eke his wyf Studie.
And I seide soþlyche “þei sende me hider
To leorne at ȝou Dowel and Dobet after,
And seþþen Afturward to seo sumwhat of Dobest.”
“Hit is a wel feir lyf,” quod heo “Among þe lewed peple,


[Actif it] is I-hoten hosebondes hit vsen;
[Trewe tilieris on erþe taillours & souteris,
And alle kyne crafty men þat cunne here foode wynne,
Wiþ any trewe trauaille toille for here foode,
Diken or deluen do-wel it hatte
To breke beggeris bred & bakken hem with cloþis,
Counforte þe carful þat in castel ben fetterid,
And seken out þe seke & sende hem þat hem nediþ;
Obedient as breþeren & sustren to oþere;
Þus bed þe do-bet so beriþ witnesse þe sauter;

Ecce quam bonum et quam iocundum, habitare, Fratres, in vnum.

Sike with þe sory singe with þe glade,

Gaudere cum gaudentibus; Et flere cum flentibus,

[Dredles, is dobet dobest wot þe sothe!]
Sire dobest haþ benefices so is he best worþi,
be þat god in þe gospel grauntiþ & techiþ;

Qui facit et docuerit, magnus vocabitur in regno celorum.

Forþi is dobest [a] bisshopis pere,
Prince ouer godis peple to prechen or to chaste.
Dobet doþ ful wel & dewid he is also,
And haþ possessions & pluralites for pore menis sake.


For mendynaunt; at mischiefe þe men were dewid;
And þat is riȝtful religioun none renneris aboute,
Ne no leperis ouer lond ladies to shryue.
Gregory þe grete clerke a good pope in his tyme,
Of religioun þe rewele he reherside in his morals,
And seide it in ensaumple þat þei shulde do þe betere:
‘Whanne fisshes faile þe flood or þe fresshe watir,
Þei diȝe for þe drouȝte whanne þei dreiȝe lengen;
Riȝt so be religioun it roileþ and steruiþ,
Þat out of couent & cloistre coueiten to libben’.
Ac now is religioun a ridere & a rennere aboute,
A ledere of [louedayes] and a lond biggere,
Poperiþ on a palfrey to toune & to toune,
A bidowe or a baselard he beriþ be his side;
Godis flessh & his fet & hise fyue woundis
Arn more in his mynde þan þe memorie of his foundours.
Þis is þe lif of þis lordis þat lyuen shulde wiþ do-bet,
And wel-a-wey wers and I shulde al telle.
I wende þat kinghed & kniȝthed & caiseris wiþ Erlis
Wern do-wel & do-bet & do-best of hem alle;
For I haue seiȝe it my-selfe & siþþen red it aftir,
How Crist counseilliþ þe comune & kenneþ hem þis tale,

Super cathedram moisi sederunt principes.

For-þi I wende þat þo wyes wern do-best of alle!


I nile not scorne,” quod scripture “but scryueyns liȝe;
Kinghod & kniȝthod for auȝt I can aspie,
Helpiþ nouȝt to heuene at one ȝeris ende,
Ne richesse ne rentis ne realte of lordis.
Poul prouiþ it is vnpossible riche men in heuene,
Ac pore men in pacience & penaunce togidere
Hauen eritage in heuene ac riche men non.”—
Contra,” quod I, “be Crist! þat can I þe wisse,
And prouen it be þe pistil þat petir is nempnid;

Qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit, saluus erit.”

“Þat is in extremis,” quod scripture “as sarisines & Iewis
Mowe be sauid so & so is oure beleue;
Þat [an] vncristene in þat cas may cristene an heþene,
And for his lele beleue whanne he his lif tyneþ,
Haue eritage in heuene as an heiȝ cristene.
Ac cristene men, god wot comiþ not so to heuene;
For cristene han a degre & is þe comun speche,

Dilige deum, etc., Et proximum tuum sicut teipsum.

Godis word witnessiþ we shuln ȝiue & dele oure enemys,
And alle men þat arn nedy [as] pore men & suche,

Dum tempus est, operemur bonum ad omnes, maxime autem ad domesticos fidei.

Alle kynne creatures þat to crist beleuiþ


We be holde heiȝly to herie & honoure,
And ȝiuen hem of oure good as good as oure seluen,
And souereynliche to suche þat sewen oure beleue;
Þat is, iche cristene man be kynde to oþer,
And siþen hem to helpe in hope hem to amende.
To harme hem ne slen hem god hiȝte vs neuere;
For he seiþ it hym-selfe in his ten hestis,
[Non] mecaberis, ne sle nouȝt is þe kynde englissh,

For, Michi [vindicta], et ego retribuam;

I shal punisshen in purcatory or in þe put of helle
Eche man for his misdede but mercy it make.”
“Ȝet am I neuere þe ner for nouȝt I haue walkid
To wyte what is do-wel witterly in herte;
For how so I werche in þis world [wrong] oþer ellis,
I was markid, withoute mercy & myn name entrid
In þe legende of lif longe er I were;
Or ellis vndir-writen for wykkid as witnessiþ þe gospel,

Nemo ascendet ad celum nisi qui de celo descendit.

And I leue on oure lord & on no lettrure betere;
For salamon þe sage þat sapience made,
God ȝaf [hym] grace & richesse to-gidere
For to reule his reaum riȝt at his wille;
Dede he not wel & wisly as holy chirche techiþ,
Boþe in werke & in woord in world in his tyme?
Aristotle & he who wrouȝte betere?


And al holy chirche holden hem in helle!
And was þere neuere in þis world to wysere of werkis;
For alle cunnynge clerkis siþþe crist ȝede on erþe
Taken ensaumples of here sawis in sarmonis þat þei maken,
And be here werkis & here wordis wissen vs to dowel;
And ȝif I shal werke be here werkis to wynne me heuene,
And for here werkis & for here wyt wende to pyne,
Þanne wrouȝte I vnwisly wiþ alle þe wyt þat I lere!
A goode friday, I fynde a feloun was sauid
Þat hadde lyued al his lyf wiþ lesinges & þeftis;
And for he kneuȝ on þe crois & to crist shref hym,
Sonnere hadde he saluacion þanne seint Ion þe baptist,
Or Adam or ysaye or any of þe prophetis,
Þat hadde leyn with lucifer manye longe ȝeris;
A robbere hadde remission raþere þanne þei alle,
Withoute penaunce of purcatorie to haue paradis for euere.
Þanne marie þe maudeleyn who miȝte do wers?
Or who dede wers þanne dauid þat vrie destroyede?
Or poule þe apostil þat no pite ne hadde,
Cristene kynde to kille to deþe?
And arn [none] for soþe souereynes in heuene,
As þise þat wrouȝte wykkidly in world whanne þei were.
And ȝet I forget [ferþere] of fyue wyttis techinge,


Þat clergie of cristis mouþ comendite [was euer];
For he seide it hym-selfe to summe of his disciplis,

[Cum] steteritis ante presides, nolite cogitare [quid loquamini];

And is as muche to mene to men þat ben lewid,
‘Wheþer ȝe ben aposid of princes or of prestis of þe lawe,
For to answere hem haue ȝe no doute,
For I shal graunte ȝow grace of god þat ȝe seruen,
Þe help of þe holy gost to answere hem at wille.’
Þe douȝtiest doctour or dyuynour of þe trinite,
Þat Austyn þe olde & hiȝeste of þe foure,
Seide þis for a sarmoun (so me god helpe!)

Ecce ipsi [ydiote] rapiunt celum, vbi nos sapientes in infernum mergemur;

And is to mene in oure mouþ more ne lesse,
‘Arn none raþere yrauisshid fro þe riȝte beleue
Þanne arn þise grete clerkis þat conne many bokis;
Ne none sonnere ysauid ne saddere of consience,
Þanne pore peple as plouȝmen and pastours of bestis.’
Souteris & seweris suche lewide iottis
Percen wiþ a pater noster þe paleis of heuene,
Wiþoute penaunce, at here partynge in-to heiȝe blisse!

Breuis oracio penetrat celum.”