University of Virginia Library

Saxones plene Dominantes.

Saxons þe englisse & hor compaynye
Adde þo of þis lond al clene þe maystrie
& made hom kinges of þis lond as hii adde biuore
Ac þe brutons nadde neuer er so clene hor miȝte vor lore


Þe saxons & þe englisse in pes hulde þo
Ech king is kinedom þat hii dude er in wo
Six kinges þer were in some time as of kent & of estsex
Of estangle of norþhumber of þe march of west sex
In þe biginning of þis boc me may rede & noȝt lye
Hou moche lond ech of hom adde to is partye
Þe verste king þat of saxons was þat was king of kent
Hengist þoru wan þis lond verst was yssent
Hit was eiȝte & vifty ȝer after hengistes kinedom
Ar eny king of saxons In westsex com
Vor hengist was king vourty ȝer & in þe eiȝteþe ȝere
After is deþ at ȝarnemouþe ariued þer were
Vif ssipuol of saxons yarmed wel ynou
Certik het hor cheuentein þat to þis lond hom drou


Wel seue ȝer þer after a duc þat was wide couþ
Ycluped port mid is ost atte hauene of portesmouþ
& after port þat was is name þe hauene me clupede so
So þat hor poer euere wax þe brutons ssame to do
& moni a bataile hii smite so þat atten ende
Þe saxons wonne al þe lond as al þe souþ ende
Euere bi souþe tamese fram est in to þe west
Certik hii made þere king vor he was þer to best
Westsex hii clupede is kinedom as ȝe abbeþ yhurd ylome
Þis was a lute biuore ar þe king arthure come
Þe verste king of norþhumber in þe ȝer of grace bigan
Vif hundred & seuene & fourty as me telle can
After king arþure it was & þo was kinrik
Noble king of westsex after is fader certik


Vor þo þe englissemen in þis lond adde poer
Hii worrede norþward & wonne ver & ner
So þat hii wonne humberlond & an bacheler
Þat het yde hii made king þer nas nour þo is per
He com of woden þe olde louerd as in þe teþe kne
Þat þe saracens weneþ þat he an hey god be
Vor þulke woden þe grete louerd sones adde þre
Weldeg & wiȝtleg & beldeg þat was so fre
Of weldeg com þe king of kent & þe king of march of þe oþer
Þe king of westsex & of humber of þe þridde þat was hor broþer
Þulke woden adde a wif þat ycluped was dame frye
A latin dame venus as ich abbe ysed nou tuye


Þeruore þe englisse clupede after woden wodenesday
Þat is a day in þe wouke & after frye fryday
Vor þe heþene englissemen þat misbileued were þo
Bileuede þat in heuene godes hii were bo
& þat to tueye sterren þat me sucþ ylome
Venus & Mercurius hii weneþ þat hii bicome
Þe saxons & þe englisse come in to þis londe
As wo seiþ at o tyme as ich vnder stonde
Hor londes suþþe as hii miȝte hii delde as hii couþe
Þe englisse in þe norþhalf þe saxons bi souþe
As estsex & middelsex & souþward al souþhsex
& so al west bi souþe temese al clene westsex
Þe englisse norþfolc & souþfolc adde al in hor honde
& al west binorþe temese & al norþhumberlonde
Ac þe kinges of westsex lengost gonne dure
& alle þe oþere wonne to hom as ȝe ssolle her after yhure


Þe brutons as ich abbe ytold in west walis were
& worred euere as hii dorste fram ȝere to ȝere
Vor bi þe kinges daye chenling þat was kenrikes sone
Hii dude hom vorþere in þis lond þan hii were in wone
& wonne þe middel of þis lond to bedeford anon
& strengþede castles & astorede monyon
So þat at bedeford come þe saxons
& smite an batayle & to driue þe brutons
& nome þre of hor castles þat stronge were al so
Eynesham & bunsintone & axlesbury þer to
So þat cristendom was al clene vor lore
& heþenesse in to al þis lond as ich sede biuore
& ylaste aboute an fourti ȝer vor te seint austin com
& þoru sein gregory þe pope broȝte cristendom


Seint austin mid is felawes to engelonde com
Þoru þe pope seint gregori to prechi cristendom
Maurice was þo emperour & þer adde ybe biuore
Vifty emperours at rome suþþe god was ybore
In þe vif hundred ȝer of grace seint austin hider com
& four score ȝer & tuo to prechi cristendom
& aboute an hondred ȝer it was & fyfty al so
After þat saxons & englisse verst come þis lond to
& after king arþures deþe aboute an fourty ȝer
Þat so noble king was of þis lond as we abbeþ ytold er
Þo seint austin & is felawes þus come to þis lond
Wippe was king of þe march & adelfred of humber-lond
Colrik was king of westsex & of kent king aylbriȝt
Of estsex is sostersone þat me clupede king selbriȝt
Wel an fourti holy men & monekes echone
Seint austin adde wiþ him & þo nas he noȝt alone


Þo hii come in to þis lond to king aylbriȝt of kent
In was lond hii ariuede hii sende hor maundement
Þat hii were fram rome ycome In hey messages ywis
Þat to gret ioye ssolde turne to him & to alle his
& to ioye wiþouten ende ȝif he him vnder stode
Suche bi hestes quaþ þe king me þenches beþ gode
Leteþ hom vinde mete ynou & þat hii abbeþ nede to
Vor te ich abbe wiþ hom yspeke & wite wat hii wolleþ do
Vor þe king wel vnderstod of þe cristendom
Þat biuore hom was in þis lond & þoru hom to grounde com
So þat atte laste wat halt to telle longe
Þe king bigan & is volc cristendom auonge


& of Seint peter & seint pol an chirche he let rere
At þe est ende of kaunturbury þat þe chef chirche were
Erchebissop of kaunterbury seint austin was þer
Þe verste þat euere was vor at londone þe se was er
Þo com merlynes word to soþe atte nende
Þat þe dingne sege to canterbury of londone ssolde wende
At roucestre þat is a toun In kent of gret fame
Seint austin made a bissop sein Iuste was is name
Þat was a monk is felawe so þat atte fin
Seint Iuste was þe verste bissop after seint austin
Seint Mellit þe holymon In to est sex wende
To prechi þere cristendom as seint austin him sende
Nou departeþ euere temese est sex fram kent
Sebriȝt he vond þere king þo he was þuder ywent


He turnde him to cristendom & þe contreye al so
Sebriȝt & þe king of kent þo al þis was ydo
At londone of seint poul an heued chirche gonne arere
Þat ȝut is & seint Mellit bissop made þere
Þus com lo cristendom aȝen in to þis londe
Among þe heþene saxons as ich vnder stonde
Ac among þe brutons in walis was euere cristendom
Suþþe it verst þoru þe king lucye hider com
& þat was biuore þis tyme vour hundred ȝer
& aboute & foure & tuenti as we abbeþ ywrite er
Þe pope eleuthery þat sende verst hider cristindom
Was þe þretteþe pope þat after seinte peter com
Þe deciples þat he hider sende cristendom to bringe
Bileuede in an wildernesse after hor prechinge
Þat me clupeþ nou glastingbury þat desert was þo
& þere hii bigonne monekes & nome to hom mo


& þere mid hor owe honde hii rerede verst an chirche
Of herdles & of ȝerden as hii couþe wurche
& þat was þe verste chirche þat in engelond com
& þe eldost hous al so as in lawe of cristendom
Þeruore me it aþ euere ycluped þe olde chirche ywis
Moni is þe holi halwe þat þere ybured ys
Nour so moni in engelond to soþe y segge þis
& as me aþ wule ysed grettere oþ non nis
Þan bi þe holde chirche of glastingbury wo so dep oþ nome
Vor þer was chirche four hondred ȝer ar seint austin hider come
& seint patric was þere monek & suþþe abbot þer
Ȝe ar seint austin come mo þen an hundred ȝer
& in þe riȝt alf of þe weued ybured was þer al so
Six score ȝer & on he was old ar deþ him come to


Þus was at glastinbury verst yholde vp cristendom
& suþþe þer after þat þet folc of englich hider com
& þe brutons were ydriue al in to west walis
Hii hulde uorþ cristendom & bissopes ywis
So þat seint austin com among hom he vond
Bissopes & monekes manyon in þe lond
In þe cite of bangor a gret hous þer was
Þat were vnder seue cellen & þer of non nas
Þat þre hondred monekes nere Inne oþer mo
& alle leuede bi hor suench loke ȝif hom nas wo
Dinoc het hor abbot þat gret clerc was & god
Seint austin was wel ypayd þat hor bileue was so god
& naþeles he hom enioynede bocsomnesse do
To þe erchebissop of kaunterbury & to englisse men al so
& among englissemen vorþ mid him cristendom to amende
Wende aboute & prechi as þe pope hom sende


Þe bissopes him ansuerede & þe abbot dinoc
Al wiþ grete reysons & wit of hor boc
Þat wanne hii adde hom sulue erchebissop & king
Hii ne ssolde to englissemen abuye riȝt no þing
Vor þe folc of englisse & saxons hor lond hom bi nome
& hor kunde eritage mid trayson & suikedome
Ware uore hii nolde uor no mon nammore to hom wende
Þan to so moni houndes bote hit were hom to ssende
Ȝif ȝe nolleþ quaþ seint austin mid ȝoure breþeren in peys be
Þat beþ as ȝe witeþ wel cristine as wel as ȝe
& ȝif ȝe nolle englissemen godes lawes teche
& vorþ mid me among hom cristendom preche
Ȝoure fon ssolle hor poer among ow wide reche
& bringe ȝou to deþe monion & þat ssal be ȝoure wreche


After seint austines day to soþe come al þis
Ac þe wule he was aliue noȝt as ȝe mowe yhure ywis
Kyng aylbriȝt gret despit adde in þis þoȝt
Þat þe brutons nolde Seint Austin abuye noȝt
Edelfred þat was king of norþhumberlond
He enticede oþer kinges here of þis lond
Þat hii wende to walis & þe brutons ssende
Þe kinges þo hii preste were mid hor poer þuder wende
Atte cite of kairleon þe ost of brutons was
Þe englisse anon þuderward drowe mid god pas
A gret bataile hii smite þer In a lutel stounde
Ac brocmayl duc of brutons was þere ybroȝt to grounde
Vor he fley & bileuede is folc þo he nuste oþer won
Some aslawe & some ywounded & bineþe echon


Nou were þer icome fram bangor monekes monion
In vastinge & in orisons to bidde aȝen hor fon
& ermites & monekes of oþer studes bi syde
Bede god þat þe brutons þe maystrie moste by tyde
Þo such folc of þis holymen king edelfred ysey
Sitte & bidde vor hor folc & crie on god an hey
& me sede him þat hii bede vor þe brutons echon
Ȝif it so is quaþ þe king þat hii biddeþ vor vre fon
Þanne viȝteþ hii aȝen vs as moche as is hor miȝte
Mid hor armes toward god þei hii mid arme ne fiȝte
Sleþ hom hastiliche anon as oure puyre fon
Þat folc was prest þerto & to grounde slou anon
So þat tuelf hondred of holymen hii martrede þere
& aboute an vifti ofscapede aliue vor fere


Þo was hit to hom ycome þat seint austin hom sede
& noȝt vorþan god dude wreche of þe luþer dede
Vor þe king edelfred wende toward bangor þo
To destruye þe brutons wat he founde mo
Þe louerdinges þat þere were ȝarkede hom anon
& ordeynede hor ost to fiȝte mid hor fon
So þat mo þan ten þousend were of þe englisse ybroȝt to deþe
& þe king edelfred vorwounded þat ofscapede aliue vnneþe
Ac bedwer duc of cornwayle aslawe was þo
& moni of þe brutons ac of þe englisse wel mo
& þe englisse flowe ouer humber uaste
A parlement þe brutons made þo atte laste
To chese hom a nywe king & chose hom þe king cadwan
Þat was among hom alle þe stalwordoste man


Þo þis king ycrouned was hii ȝarkede hom anon
& in to homberlonde sywede vp hor fon
Þe king edelfred in is half mid þe poer of is londe
& of oþer londes ȝare was aȝen hom vor to stonde
Þo hii were to þis batayle prest in eyþer syde
Som frend biþoȝte him bet & bituene hom gan ride
& made acord bituene hom þat þe king adde al þat lond
Edelfred biȝonde homber al clene in his hond
& king cadwan bi souþe homber & al is owe lond walis
Þoru hard oþ & god ostage yconfermed was al þis
Bituene þis tueie kinges anon so gret loue þer was
Þat hor noþer nadde noþing þat to oþeres wille nas
Bituene þe king edelfred & þe quene is wif
Þerafter þoru luþer wille wax a gret strif
Þat þe king hire drof awey mid childe as ȝo was
& nom him an oþer wif & þat was a deoluol cas


To þe king cadwan þe quene wende þo
& cryede on him þat he ssolde helpe hire in hire wo
Þe king cadwan was þo aboute bituene hire & þe kinge
To make acord bi his poer & ne miȝte uor none þinge
So þat he huld vor þe quene In is owe house
Mid childe helples as ȝo was mid þe quene is owe spouse
Þat mid childe was as wel as heo & of one time ney
& þo þe children were ybore þat of kunne were so hey
Hii clupede edwyne þe kinges sone of norþhomberlond
& cadwal þe kinges sone here of þis souþ lond
Þis children were wel ȝonge ysend to salamon þe kinge
Of þe lasse bruteyne to gode norrissinge
Þe king hom noryssede wel & mid him priue ynou
& þo hii to elde come to armes hom drou
So þat stalwarde kniȝtes boþe hii bi come
& wel yfonded in armes & in batailes ylome


Eylbriȝt king of kent þat þoru seint austin nom
As we abbeþ ytold biuore verst cristendom
Deide as in þe ȝer of grace six hundred & sixtene
& he was six & fifty ȝer king as ich wene
His sone was king after him Edbal was is name
Þat spousede suþþe is fader wif him to grete ssame
& ne tolde noȝt of is cristendom & þe king sebriȝt al so
Cristine king of est sex þo he was of liue ydo
His þre sones he bileued eyrs of is kinedom
Þat were payns alle þre & aȝen cristendom
So þat hii come at one tyme in hor luþer Rede
To seint Mellit bissop of þe lond & at is masse sede
Sire bissop wu ne ȝifstus of þine wite brede
Þat þou est þi sulf at þi masse in þine vayre wede


Þat þou ȝeue vre fader wule & ȝut ȝifst þat folc al so
Ȝif ȝe wolleþ quaþ þe bissop as ȝoure fader dude do

152 lines omitted in Cotton MS. after 4920. Copied from Harleian MS.

[& be yuolled in holy water & myd cristendom monge
Ȝe mowe sauflyche þet holy þyng as he dude auonge
We nolleþ noȝt quaþ þys oþer þey þou vs bede
Wyþynne þulke water come for we nabbeþ non nede
Ac in alle manere we wolleþ ete of þulke brede
Þe byssop yt nolde grante ac outlych yt wyþ seyde
To ȝyue hym þulke holy þyng bote hii y uolled were
Hii suore anon in wraþþe ȝyf he ensentan nere


To ȝyue hem so lute þyng & bote he yt hem ȝeue
Þat he ne ssolde in her lond in non manere byleue
Hii dryue hym out of her lond & ys men echon
Þys holy man seyn Mellyt to Kent wende anon
To speke wyþ þe erchebyssop laurence & al so
Wyþ yuste byssop of rouchestre wat were best to do
Seynt austyn nou al by ys daye to erchybyssop nom
Laurence & made after hym to susteyne Cristendom
Þys þre byssopes bytueyne hem nom hem þus to rede
Þat hii myȝte in her owe lond holyor lyf lede
And wyþoute peryl sykerore þan to byleue þere
Among mys bylyuede men bote þer eny bote were
So þat seynt Iuste & seynt mellyt to france þo wende
& lete þe luþer men yworþþe vorte God yt wolde amende
Ac nas noȝt long þer after aþ god wreche of hem nome
Þat after her fader deþe worrede cristendom


For aȝen þat folc of westsex hii nome an batayle
& þere hii were ybroȝt to grounde & yssend wyþoute fayle
Vor her folc was muche aslawe & ybroȝt to deþe
& hii vor her luþerhede of scapede alyue vnneþe
Laurence þe erchebyssop al prest hym made also
Vorto wende out of þys lond as ys felawes adde ydo
Þe nyȝt þet he adde imund vort abbe ywend amorwe
He lay muchedel of þe nyȝt in wo & in sorwe
To bydde god vor holy chyrche and vor cristendom
So þat aslep atte laste vor werynysse hym nome
Seynt Petur to hym come as þe slep hym toke
& tormented hym sore ynou þat hech lyme hym oke


& esste of hym wy he adde so vyllyche ys ssep vorsake
Wyþoute warde among þe wolues þat in warde hym were bytake
& wy of god ne of hym ensample he ne nom
Þat deyde boþe in rode to susteyny cristendom
Þys erchebyssop was adrad wel sore þo he awok
He hyede to þe kyng vor ech lyme hym ok
& ssewed hym al þat cas & ys wounden some
& bed hym ys lyf amende oþer vp hym sulf yt ssolde come
Þe kyng anon for drede ys false wyf vor soke
Þat he huld in such hordom & cristendom toke
And after Seyn Iust & Seynt Mellyt þe tueye byssopes sende
So þat aȝen to þys lond þys gode men boþe wende


& hii of rouchestre Seyn Iust to her byssop vayre toke
Ac þe Londres Seyn Mellyt al clanlyche versoke
Ac huld hem to her heþenesse & in þys manere com
Kyng edbald after ys fader vorst to cristendom
After Laurences deþe as god ȝef þat cas
Erchebyssop Seyn Mellyt of Kanterbury was
Erchebyssop he was vyf ȝer & after hym me nom
Seyn Iust to erchebyssop to sauy crystendom
Cadwal þe kynges sone þat was of þys lond
As ych seyde er & edwyne of norþhomberlond
Þat in brutayne were hom hii gonne wende
After her fader deþe eyþer in ys ende
& auonge her erytage & louede hem wel boþe
Atte bygynnynge wel ynou & suþþe somdel wroþe
For þo hii adde an tuo ȝer ybe louerdes in her londe
Edwyne sende to cadwal þat hym ssolde vnderstonde


& soffry hym in ys owe lond þat he ycrouned were
As veruorþ as he in ys & as ryȝt was croune bere
Kyng cadwal nom ys conseyl & sende hym word so
Þat ys conseyl ne ȝef hym noȝt ne ensentede þerto
Þat in one kynedom þat of one croune were
Þat yt were departed & þat me tueye crounen bere
Edwyne was wroþ vor þys & suor ys more oþ
To be ycrouned wyþoute hym ner hym no so loþ
Cadwal suor ys oþ aȝen ȝyf he croune bere
Vorto smyte of ys heued vnder ys croune þere
Þus wax stryf bytuene hem hii greyþed her host vaste
And by norþe homber mette hem atte laste


Mony þousend þer were ybroȝt of cadwales men to deþe
& he hym sulf wyþ vewe men of scapede alyue vnneþe
& fleu hym vorþ in to þe see al þoru scotlond
& so vorþ euere in to þe see vorte he com to yrlond
Edwyne wende þo anon out of ys owe lond
& destrude wyde aboute þat cadwal adde an honde
Alle ys stedes ver & ner & to grounde caste
Cadwal in yrlonde ys ost ȝarkede vaste
& vorþ toward þys lond þe veage nome
Ac euere wanne he myd ys ost to eny hauene com
Edwyne was aȝen hym & drof hym aȝe
So þat he ne myȝte aryue ac huld hym in þe see
Ac anchanteor edwyne adde of Spayne wyþ hym þo
Þat couþe hym segge of ys dedes al hou yt ssolde go


Þoru ys chantement so þat cadwal
Ne dude noþyng þat edwyne þoru hym yt nuste al
Cadwal nuste þo oþer rede bote myd al ys mayne
Wende to porchacy hym help to þe lasse brutayne
Tempest hym drof in þe see here and þer vaste
So þat in þe yle of gerneseye hii aryued atte laste
Þo cadwal com to reste þer so gret deol he nome
Þat he adde so ys folc vorlore & ys kynedom
Þat he lay syke in ys bed vor deol & vor sore
Þat he ne ete non mete þre dawes þer vore
Þe verþe day to veneson hym þoȝte ys herte drou
Bryan ys owe priue man was þerof glad ynou
Hys bowe he nom & soȝte a best aboute mony a myle
& he ne myȝte ssolde he deye vynde non in al þe yle


Sory was þys bryan þo þat he non grace nadde
For he hopede yt were ys louerdes hele vor þe wylle þat he adde
He ne vnderstod of non oþer fless þat þe kyng yknowe ne couþ
Þat yt nere non veneson wanne yt were in ys mouþe
He byþoȝte hym of harde ynou to abbe ys louerdes lyf
A gret pece of ys owe þy he kerf out wyþ a knyf
And helde þe wounde wanne he myȝte loke ȝyf he nas trewe
Þe kyng he broȝte yt wel yrosted vor veneson newe
Newe and verss yt was ynou þe kyng ete þerof anon
Hym þoȝte þat so suete mete he ne ete neuere non
Ne so sauery in ys mouþ so þat he turnde to hele
& hol was þe þrydde day vor þulke suete mele


Hym longede after veneson þer after longe sore
Ac uer gode of þulke beste ne com in ys mouþ nanmore
To þe lasse brutayne wyþ ys folc þo he drou
& of þe kyng Salomon was vnderuonge vayre ynou
& byleuede wyþ hym alle wynter vorte after þe ȝeres ende
& greyþede her poer hyder vorto wende
Kyng edwyne adde ywonne er al out þe Brutons lond
More þan eny englyss kyng euere er adde an hond
Al byȝonde seyn dauid & al walys al out
By uore hym nas non englyss kyng so ryche ne so prout
Heþen man he was ywys & to Cristendom
Þoru erchebyssop of euerwyk seyn paulyn he com


Cadwal kyng þat aȝte be of brutons londe
Myd poer þat kyng Salomon hym adde ytake an honde
Þat was ten þousend knyȝtes & myd ys owe poer
Aryuede bysyde toteneys come somdel ner
In þe toun of exestre mony brutons were
& a luþer kyng of þe marche byseged hem þer
Penda þat heþene was vnder edwyne þe kyng
Cadwal þo he wuste þys ne made no targyng
Ac smot to hym myd ys ost & þer wyþoute fayle
At eccestre strong ynou hij smyte an batayle
Penda þys heþene kyng was sone ouercome
& ys folc muche aslawe & he hym sulf ynome
Þo he in prison was ydo & oþer couþe ne yse
He byhet cadwal myd hym myd al ys poer be
& þat he ssolde vor hym þe bet kyng edwyne ouercome
Of þys was sykernesse ydo & ostages ynome


Penta ȝarked ys poer & cadwal ek ys route
Of brutons þat vor defaute of help to sprad were wyde aboute
Þo þys ost al ȝare was vorþward vaste hij drowe
And in norþhomberlond þat folc vaste hij slowe
Kyng edwyne adde al so in ys half gret poer
Igadered of englysse kynges & of ys owe ver & ner
In to þe veld of haduele ech of hem drow
Myd her ost & smyte þer an batayle strong ynou]
King edwine was þer aslawe & offrid is sone al so
& godbold king of orcadas & hor folc ney þer to
Cadwal was al aboue þe wule it wolde ylaste
Þe englisse & þe saxons he slou þo wel vaste
He ne sparde old ne ȝonge ne womman mid childe
Þat he ne slou wanne he vond he nas no þing milde
An oþer bataile suþþe he smot aȝen osric strong ynou
Þat king was after edwine & þere he him slou


& is tueie neueus þat after him kinges ssolde be
& cadan king of scotlond aslawe hii were alle þre
Enfryd edwines broþer þo he sey þis wo aboute
To cadwal he wende & mercy him cryede vor doute
Cadwal him & tuelf þousend þat mid him come slou
Þis ȝer was among hom of feble grace ynou
& þat was of hom gret harm vor after hor cristendom
To heþenesse hii turnde aȝen & þo such wreche hom nom
King cadwal & þe brutons hor wille adde al so
& stured hom among hor fon þat hom adde er ssame ydo
Seint oswald enfrides broþer king was ymad þo
Of al norþhomberlond among al þis wo
Þat holimon was & god þe betere is grace was
& king cadwal to him to sturne verst nas


Þis was in þe ȝer of grace six hundred ȝer ywis
& aboute vour & þritti þat ydo was al þis
Seint birin þe bissop an holimon was
Þat in to þis lond þoru þe pope honory ysend was
To turne þe king of west sex kingilf to cristendom
& þat lond of west sex in to þis lond he com
Sein birin him to cristendom turnde þoru godes grace
& as god wolde seint oswald was in þulke place
& of þe holi vantston þis grete king nom
& is godfader was in is cristendom
Seint oswald & þis oþer king þoru vre louerdes grace
Purueyde seint birin to is wille an place
Þat dercchestre is ycluped þat biside oxenford is
As in þe estesouþ an seue mile ywis


Þere sein birin bissop was þe uerste þat was ywis
Vor þe se was þere of bissop þo þat at lincolne nou is
Þere he deyde & þere he lay vorte suþþe þer after longe
Þat he was to winchestere ylad as he ȝut is uaire auonge
Cadwal king of brutons worred euere uaste
& penda vpe seint oswald vorte suþþe atte laste
Þat at þe toun of mersfeld binorþe baþe hii come
Seint oswald & þe duc penda an bataile nome
Penda þere þe luþer duc in batayle slou
& Martrede seint oswald & al is body to drou
& mony a þousend of is men aslawe ek þer were
Þis was of þe ȝer of grace In þe six hundred ȝere


& vour hondred vor seint oswald in þe ȝer king was
& of eiȝte & þriȝti ȝer old þo him biuel þis cas
Oswy seint oswaldes broþer king was ymad þo
He biþoȝte him of pes to libbe wiþoute wo
He acordede wiþ king cadwal & tresour him ȝef ynou
Vorto be is priue frend wiþoute worre & wou
Þe fourme of pes was vaste ymad bituene hom & hore
Þat ne miȝte noȝt wel be ybroke bote treuþe were uorlore
Ac penda þe heþene duc adde euere god wille
To worry him & don him ssame & þoȝte in is herte stille
Ac he ne dorste vor cadwal & naþeles atten ende
To þe king at is parlement to londone he gan wende


& alle þe dukes of brutayne & þe englisse kinges echone
Ycome were to þis parlement bote king oswi one
Penda esste þe king anon wy king oswy nere þere
Þe king sede he vnder stod þat he sik were
Sire quaþ þe oþer to soþe hit nis noþing so
Ac he gadereþ uaste is poer us ssame to do
& he aþ ysend biȝonde se after saxons mo
& wole awreke is broþer deþ he suereþ on vs tuo
Þeruore ȝif me mid poer leue þuder to wende
& bringe him to ssame & bineþe er þan he vs ssende
To breke is triwe couenaunt þe king was loþ þer to
& naþeles is conseil him ȝef þat he it moste nede do
Þo penda þis leue adde he nom poer ynou
& toward þis king oswy over homber drou


& barnde vaste & robbede & to grounde slou
Þe king oswy him let esse wy he dude him so wou