University of Virginia Library

Death makes Things appeare as they are.

Enuy and Anger haue some Wise-men kil'd;
(though in those Passions we hold no man wise)


As fauour and base flatt'ry Fooles haue spild;
for, with them both, we Fooles doe Nestorize.
But when these moodes are, with the Parties, dead,
then, were they Fooles, who wer so wise while-ere:
And, They most wise that Fooles were reckoned;
thus, Death doth make Things, as they are, appeare.
Flatt'ry adornes Mens Fortunes, not the Men;
and Enuy, not their Persons, but their Fames
Doth seeke to wound: so, it appeareth then,
that Wise nor Fooles haue here their proper Names:
But in the Fout of Death they doe receiue
Their naked Names which their true Natures giue.