University of Virginia Library

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Jefferson's fine arts library

his selections for the University of Virginia, together with his own architectural books
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81. Meinert, Friedrich.

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81. Meinert, Friedrich.

Die Schone Landbaukunst oder Neue Ideen und Vorschriften. Leipzig,

Not now owned by the University.

Although there was earlier uncertainty over the identification of this
work, the above information seems correct from a comparison of the
plates mentioned by Jefferson. On the drawing of garden temples reproduced
in Kimball as No. 161, there is a note in Jefferson's hand: "No. 1
maybe a Gothic for design see Meinert No." Meinert is also
mentioned by Jefferson on two of his other drawings reproduced as Nos.
164 and 165 in Kimball. This rather fugitive book contains suggestions
for a series of very simple, neoclassic and neoGothic buildings, primarily
for rural areas.

Sowerby, who had no copy for inspection, points out that Jefferson
paid $16.80 for his copy, purchased in 1805 at the same time as Nos. 11
and 117. He spent a further $2.50 to have it bound.

Jefferson sold his copy of the book to Congress. He ordered it for
the University in the section on "Architecture" of the want list, but
there is no record of the library's ever having received a copy.



Sowerby 4224