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On 'Scursion-days—an' Shows—an' Fairs—
They ain't no bad folks anywheres!—
On street-cars—same as you
Seems like somebody allus sees
I'm lame, an' takes me on their knees,
An' holds my crutches, too—
An' asts me what's my name, an' pays
My fare theirse'f—On all Big Days!
The mob all scrowdges you an' makes
Enough o' bluffs, fer goodness-sakes!
But none of 'em ain't mad—
They're only lettin' on.—I know;—
An' I can tell you why it's so:
They're all of 'em too glad
They're ever' one, jes' glad as me
To be there, er they wouldn't be!
The man that sells the tickets snoops
My “one-er” in, but sort o' stoops
An' grins out at me—then
Looks mean an' business-like an' sucks


His big mustache at me an' chucks
Too much change out again.—
He's a smooth citizen, an' yit
He don't fool me one little bit!
An' then, inside—fer all the jam—
Folks, seems-like, all knows who I am,
An' tips me nods an' winks;
An' even country-folks has made
Me he'p eat pie an' marmalade,
With bottled milk fer “drinks”!—
Folks all's so good to me that I—
Sometimes—I nearly purt' near' cry.
An' all the kids, high-toned er pore,
Seems better than they wuz before,
An' wants to kind o' “stand
In” with a feller—see him through
The free lay-out an' sideshows, too,
An' do the bloomin' “grand”!
On 'Scursion-days—an' Shows an' Fairs—
They ain't no bad folks anywheres!