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Hymn 27.

[Jesus the Conqueror reigns]

Jesus the Conqueror reigns,
In glorious strength array'd,
His kingdom over all maintains,
And bids the earth be glad:
Ye sons of men rejoice
In Jesu's mighty love,
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
To Him who rules above.
Extol His kingly power,
Kiss the exalted Son,
Who died, and lives to die no more,
High on His Father's throne;
Our Advocate with God,
He undertakes our cause,
And spreads through all the earth abroad
The victory of His cross.
That bloody banner see,
And in your Captain's sight
Fight the good fight of faith with me,
My fellow-soldiers fight.
In mighty phalanx join'd,
Undaunted all proceed,
Arm'd with the' unconquerable mind
That was in Christ your Head.
Urge on your rapid course,
Ye blood-besprinkled bands,
The heavenly kingdom suffers force,
'Tis seized by violent hands;


See there the starry crown,
That glitters through the skies,
Satan, the world, and sin tread down,
And take the glorious prize.
Through much distress and pain,
Through many a conflict here,
Through blood ye must the entrance gain;
Yet O! disdain to fear:
Courage, your Captain cries,
Who all your toil foreknew,
Toil ye shall have, yet all despise,
I have o'ercome for you.
The world cannot withstand
Its ancient Conqueror;
The world must sink beneath that Hand,
Which arms us for the war;
This is the victory,
Before our faith they fall;
Jesus hath died for you, and me!
Believe, and conquer all.
Satan shall be repell'd;
The world's imperious god
Shall fly before our sacred shield,
Our trust in Jesu's blood:
Jesus hath cleft his crown,
Of old from glory driven,
And cast the bold aspirer down,
As lightning out of heaven.
Him, and his powers below
He bound, and captive led,
Our rising Lord in open show
His hellish spoils display'd;


O'er all the' infernal host
He more than conqueror was,
And dragg'd them at His wheels, the boast
And triumph of His cross.
'Twas there our peace He bought;
Though nail'd to yonder tree,
His hands have our salvation wrought,
And got the victory:
He felt the mortal dart,
The horror breathing king
Shot all our sin into His heart,
And death hath lost his sting.
Death is all swallow'd down,
Our sins are wash'd away,
The guilt, the guilt of sin is gone,
The power can never stay.
Our worst, our inbred foe
By Jesus is subdued,
Our mountain sins melt down, and flow
And sink into His blood.
We now shall more than win
The fight through Jesu's name,
Conquerors o'er hell, and earth, and sin
In the victorious Lamb;
The Lamb a lion is,
And all His foes shall slay,
And fly upon the spoil, and seize,
And take His lawful prey.
The Spirit of His power
Into our souls shall come,
And all our foes destroy, devour,
And all our sins consume:


The jealous Lord of hosts
Shall full dominion have,
Shall all, who in His merits trust,
Even to the utmost save.
Then let us all proceed,
In Jesu's conquest share,
Boldly march up with Christ our Head,
That thunderbolt of war;
Jesus hath all broke through,
Hell, earth, and sin, and death,
And we shall more than conquer too,
Who Jesu's Spirit breathe.
Through faith in our dear Lord
We surely shall obtain
The promise of a full reward,
And here with Jesus reign;
We without sin shall live,
Before we hence remove,
Our heavenly calling's prize receive,
The crown of perfect love.
Our souls like God raised up
Shall live no more to die,
Our flesh dissolved shall rest in hope
Of immortality:
Jesus shall soon appear,
With royal glory crown'd,
Our dust the trump of God shall hear,
And kindle at the sound.
Quicken'd by power Divine,
We all shall see, and know
The Son of Man's triumphant sign,
The cross we bore below;


Caught up we all shall rise,
Our Master's glory share,
And take our seats above the skies,
And reign for ever there.