University of Virginia Library


Hymn 25.

In Jesus's name On sinners I call,
My Saviour proclaim, Who suffer'd for all:
My friends and my neighbours, Who pitied my pain,
Rejoice, that my labours Have not been in vain.


My pain is relieved, My sorrow is past,
And I have received The blessing at last,
Recover'd His favour, (So harass'd and toss'd),
And found in my Saviour The piece I had lost.
I lift up my voice, To pardon restored,
And bid you rejoice In Jesus my Lord;
I call the oppressed My Saviour to own,
I cannot be blessed And happy alone.
Then let us agree Our Jesus to praise:
Come, triumph with me, And tell of His grace;
No fear ye shall stumble By doing His will,
Be thankful and humble, But never be still.