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Hymn 23.

[We wrestle not with flesh and blood]

We wrestle not with flesh and blood,
Whoe'er to Jesu's sway submit,
Nature's desires all are subdued,
And trodden down beneath our feet.
We that are Christ's have crucified
The flesh, and every worldly lust;
And still we feel the blood applied,
And in a present Saviour trust.


Sin shall not have dominion now,
Or in our mortal body reign,
To Satan's yoke we scorn to bow,
And cast away his servile chain.
To those dear wounds we calmly fly,
Whence rivers of salvation flow;
And thence, when sin draws near, defy
A feeble, vanquish'd, dying foe.
Redemption through Thy blood we have,
And strength, and righteousness in Thee,
And still we find Thee near to save,
And faith is still the victory.
Thou keepest us in perfect peace:
The peace a constant power imparts,
And forces sin and strife to cease,
And rules in all believing hearts.
Thy help we every moment feel;
We own Thee good, and strong, and true,
And fill'd with power invincible,
Through Jesus we can all things do.
Through Thee we can in faith abide,
And steadfast to the end endure,
Till every soul is sanctified,
And pure as God Himself is pure.