University of Virginia Library



Be ‘anxious’ for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”—Phil. iv. 6.

Father, I thank Thee that this life
Which is the better part of me,
Is vaster than all forms of strife
And like Thy Nature full and free;
That it can never have a bound
But that which is its one defence,
And knows no line of limit round
Except Thine own Omnipotence.
I thank Thee that for ever on
My spirit shall pursue its way,
And when this mortal bar is gone
Shall see before it brighter day;
That as I gain a grander sphere
I must myself yet greater grow,
Above the ranges that rise here—
Sweet things that satisfy below.
I thank Thee that with broadening arch
The future waxes fairer still,
And gathers in its glorious march
A purer balm for every ill;
That pains are jewels in Thy throne—
An earnest of the joys to be,
The tomb is but a stepping stone
Which brings me nearer unto Thee.