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Carol and Cadence

New poems: MDCCCCII-MDCCCCVII: By John Payne

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Love came luting,
When the crocuses were budding, shooting
Thin green spearheads through the garden-mould.
Get thee gone, Love! Thou art come too early.
Winter yet is king and Boreas burly
Yet abroad is;
Yet the world unthawed is.
Get thee gone and shelter from the cold!
Love came singing
Down the alleys, when the world was ringing
With the blackbirds' and the thrushes' rhyme.
Get thee gone, Love! Who hath time for wooing,
When the world is lush with Life's renewing,
When all gay is
And our monarch May is?
Get thee gone and come in summertime!
Love came glowing
Down the alleys, when the roses, blowing,
Filled the flowerbeds with their fragrant bloom.
Get thee gone, Love! Who hath care for kisses,
When the world-all with the summer blisses
Filled and fair is,
Fragrant when the air is?
Haply August will for thee have room.
Love came lagging,
When the lilies in the sun were flagging
And the August-flame was on the wheat.
Get thee gone, Love! Who hath coolth for courting,
When the corncrakes in the sun are sporting,


Ripe when corn is
And each meadow shorn is?
Get thee gone and shelter from the heart!
Love came crying,
When the woodlands in the wind were sighing
And the world the Autumn's liveries wore.
Get thee gone, Love! Who can think of wedding,
When the trees their summer suits are shedding,
When the sheaves are
Reaped and sere the leaves are?
Get thee gone till apple-time be o'er!
Love came calling,
Down the alleys, when the snows were falling
And the frostflakes silvered wood and wold.
Get thee gone, Love! Get thee gone, late comer!
Who hath heart for thee, when sped is Summer?
Where the rime is,
Room for love nor time is.
Nay, the year and I are over-old.