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May Fair

In four cantos [by George Croly]

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The spell dissolved,—I take my rounds;
A licensed sportsman on those grounds:
The rich preserve, that few approach,
Without a title and a coach;
But I, who “know the price of stocks,”
Cry “Sesame!” to every box;
They know I scorn the charming ties,
So take my folly as it flies.
We settle “who escapes to Paris,”—
“Whose in the Austrian box the star is;
“What wonder in the red and yellow
“Has fix'd thy lorgnette, Count P*lm*lla;
“What whisker'd monster, Mynheer Falck!
“Holds in such very solemn talk;


“Whose cheeks and chin are too much tinted,
“Whose marriage has been more than hinted;
“Whom all-resistless P*l*gn*c
“Has kept this fortnight on the rack;
“Whom L-v-n thinks the Belle to-night,
“(The Prince is always in the right);
“For whom is built the Viscount's villa,—
“But hark,—'tis magic, or Brambilla.”