University of Virginia Library



“He was led as a sheep to the slaughter.”

By Judas led to Annas; then sent round
From Annas to blaspheming Caiaphas;
From Caiaphas to Pilate; then led bound
From Pilate to Herodian Antipas;
And thence again to Pilate; then disown'd
By Pharisees and people, scourged and crown'd:
Then rise the voices of the infuriate mass—
Give us not this Man, give us Barabbas!
With one great voice of that fierce multitude
'Twas Satan who aloud call'd for His blood,—
As if the lion of the forest brayed
After his prey, beholding Him betrayed;
And then as beaten, mock'd, and under ban,
Pilate brings forth, and says, “Behold the Man!”

Jer. xii. 7, 8.